An anime adaptation has been announced for the manga Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-A-Girlfriend) by Reiji Miyajima. The news comes with a promotional video and a teaser illustration of the rental girl in question, Chizuro Mizuhara. The main cast have also been announced, with Sora Amamiya playing Chizuru and Shun Horie as Kazuya.
Directing the series will be Kazuomi Koga with animation by TMS Entertainment. A full list of the main staff is written at the bottom of the article. You can also check out the visuals of each of the main characters of the anime down below, along with their cast members. The anime is slated for a July 2020 start, with more information to come in the future.
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Interview with BanG Dream! Voice Actress Miku Ito
Voice actress and singer Miku Ito made her first U.S appearance at Anime NYC 2019 between November 15-17. She hosted a special concert as her character Kokoro Tsurumaki from BanG Dream! at the Anime NYC Masquerade and was also here to premiere Fragtime – an anime OVA based on the yuri manga of the same name.
In addition to performing and participating in her own panel, she also had a chance to meet her fans individually and hand them an Owatashi-Kai gift to a select few. MANGA.TOKYO had a chance to ask her a few questions about her time in New York, Fragtime, and her experience playing Kokoro.
In addition to performing and participating in her own panel, she also had a chance to meet her fans individually and hand them an Owatashi-Kai gift to a select few. MANGA.TOKYO had a chance to ask her a few questions about her time in New York, Fragtime, and her experience playing Kokoro.
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