For a little while it seemed as if Fortnite had lost some of its luster. Following the impressive black hole event that kicked off a new chapter for the game last September, the pace of change slowed significantly, while many of Fortnite’s top players expressed frustration with the lagging competitive scene. Meanwhile, other games most notably Riot’s new team shooter Valorant and Call of Duty’s battle royale competitor Warzone filled the void and began dominating platforms like Twitch.
But Fortnite never stays quiet for long. Over the past few weeks, Epic has released a number of updates focusing on what makes Fortnite so great and most of it has little to do with being a battle royale shooter.
First there was the Travis Scott music tour, which featured five in-game events over the course of several days. It was psychedelic and surreal and proved extremely popular; upward of 27 million players joined the experience, including more than 12 million during the first virtual concert. Notably, the event was completely free of violence.
As soon as the music started and a giant Travis Scott began stomping around Fortnite’s island, the guns disappeared and all players could do was run around and enjoy the spectacle.
Not long after, Epic introduced a brand-new space in the game called party royale. It takes place on a smaller island, one completely free of the two main activities in the battle royale mode: shooting and building. Instead, it’s meant to be a relaxed environment where you can hang out with friends. There’s an outdoor movie theater and a club with towering holographic dancers, alongside race courses and other points of interest like a pirate ship and soccer field. Epic describes it as an “evolving space,” so we’ll likely see more activities and events added in the future.
Both of these updates point to Fortnite’s likely future. While the game became a phenomenon based on its winner-takes-all battle royale mode, that was also a game mode riding an industry wave that has, over time, felt like a limiting factor for Fortnite’s ambitions. Much has been made of how the game is really a new, immersive social network and the closest thing we have right now to a metaverse. But the combative nature often got in the way of that. Just think back to the first major in-game event, a rocket launch in 2018, that many players missed because their avatars were murdered.
Epic has mostly fixed its approach to in-game collective entertainment since then. You can no longer die during a big event, and over the years, those in-game spectacles have become even more ambitious. Still, when you’re doing things like watching J.J. Abrams introduce a new Star Wars clip, it’s clear the battle royale mode was never built with this in mind. It was very jarring to finish watching Travis Scott only to be immediately dropped into a bloodbath.
Party royale feels like an answer to this problem. The social events and the competitive side of Fortnite have always felt at odds, but now they have their own distinct spaces. One is a battleground, the other a playground. They complement each other. It’s not hard to envision movies or TV shows debuting at the party royale theater or big-name acts stopping by the club for virtual concerts. The mode also gives Epic more room to try new things, as changes to party royale won’t have any bearing on the competitive Fortnite scene. (And that scene can be very vocal with complaints.)
Of course, all of this depends on whether the new area takes off. Epic says it’s still an experiment, and it’s unclear how long-lasting it might be. Other similar initiatives, like Fortnite’s Minecraft-inspired creative mode, haven’t quite taken off the way many expected. One of the reasons these large-scale events take place inside of the battle royale mode, despite some awkwardness, is that it’s massively popular and still the dominant reason so many people log into the game each and every day. You go where the people are.
But whether it’s successful or not, party royale shows that Epic understands what Fortnite has become and is trying to evolve the experience to match. Often the best parts of the game aren’t really a game at all soon shooting could be the least important part of Fortnite altogether.
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The Last Dance Is the Best Thing on Television Right Now
Michael Jordan has largely retreated from public life in recent years, but he conducted eight hours of interviews with Hehir. Sitting against a gorgeous backdrop, with a glass of liquor to his side, Jordan talks candidly about his experiences in his final, storied season with the Bulls, which would win the franchise's sixth NBA title that year. Plenty of other key figures serve as talking heads as well: Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, coach Phil Jackson, owner Jerry Reinsdorf, and even former Chicago resident Barack Obama. The first two episodes jump back and forth in time, offering both a walk up to the central season, detailing the conflict between the players and Bulls' general manager Jerry Krause, as well as the backstory of Jordan and his teammates.
The second episode shifts focus to Pippen and his negotiations with management for fair pay. But the access is also about the archival material. Hehir was granted the right to use never-before-seen footage that NBA Entertainment captured during the lead up to the 1997-98 season, assuming that it would be Jordan's last. But there was a catch. Adam Silver, the current NBA commissioner and then head of NBA Entertainment, essentially gave Jordan the right to say when and now the footage could be used. "Our agreement will be that neither one of us can use this footage without the other's permission," Silver said, according to an ESPN report. "It will be kept I mean literally it was physical film -- as a separate part of our Secaucus [New Jersey] library. Our producers won't have access to it. It will only be used with your permission." Reportedly, a bunch of filmmakers expressed interest in turning it into a documentary over the years, among them Spike Lee and Danny DeVito. Ultimately, producer Michael Tollin, inspired by O.J.: Made in America, sold Jordan on the idea of making a lengthy series, and enlisted Hehir, whose previous credits involve 30 for 30 installments like The Fab Five, which centered on the University of Michigan's freshman phenoms in the early 1990s.
Having only seen two episodes, the question remains how deep The Last Dance is going to dig. Access comes with a price, and that price might be that you're not necessarily getting the most scandalous or controversial version of this documentary possible. Jordan's history of gambling is alluded to in the early hours, but it's not really explored, and his prickly persona off the court toward his teammates is both visible but also largely unspoken. It remains to be seen how deep The Last Dance will get into the reasons behind Jordan's switch to baseball. (Fingers crossed there's at least some discussion of Space Jam.) Meanwhile, over at Slate, Nick Greene has already pointed out at least one imbalance. Krause, the main antagonist of the narrative, is no longer alive to offer his side of the story. Alas, The Last Dance is not bingeable all in one sitting, unless you wait until all 10 episodes have aired. ESPN is rolling it out airing two episodes every Sunday for the next four weeks, through May 17. The new episodes will begin airing at 9 p.m. each night, but will be preceded by the prior two installments, in case you need a refresher or just have nothing else to watch. (Outside the U.S., it's debuting on Netflix.) There are also two versions of The Last Dance you can watch: The first, airing on ESPN, is uncensored, but there's a more family friendly cut airing on ESPN2 at the same time.
The second episode shifts focus to Pippen and his negotiations with management for fair pay. But the access is also about the archival material. Hehir was granted the right to use never-before-seen footage that NBA Entertainment captured during the lead up to the 1997-98 season, assuming that it would be Jordan's last. But there was a catch. Adam Silver, the current NBA commissioner and then head of NBA Entertainment, essentially gave Jordan the right to say when and now the footage could be used. "Our agreement will be that neither one of us can use this footage without the other's permission," Silver said, according to an ESPN report. "It will be kept I mean literally it was physical film -- as a separate part of our Secaucus [New Jersey] library. Our producers won't have access to it. It will only be used with your permission." Reportedly, a bunch of filmmakers expressed interest in turning it into a documentary over the years, among them Spike Lee and Danny DeVito. Ultimately, producer Michael Tollin, inspired by O.J.: Made in America, sold Jordan on the idea of making a lengthy series, and enlisted Hehir, whose previous credits involve 30 for 30 installments like The Fab Five, which centered on the University of Michigan's freshman phenoms in the early 1990s.
Having only seen two episodes, the question remains how deep The Last Dance is going to dig. Access comes with a price, and that price might be that you're not necessarily getting the most scandalous or controversial version of this documentary possible. Jordan's history of gambling is alluded to in the early hours, but it's not really explored, and his prickly persona off the court toward his teammates is both visible but also largely unspoken. It remains to be seen how deep The Last Dance will get into the reasons behind Jordan's switch to baseball. (Fingers crossed there's at least some discussion of Space Jam.) Meanwhile, over at Slate, Nick Greene has already pointed out at least one imbalance. Krause, the main antagonist of the narrative, is no longer alive to offer his side of the story. Alas, The Last Dance is not bingeable all in one sitting, unless you wait until all 10 episodes have aired. ESPN is rolling it out airing two episodes every Sunday for the next four weeks, through May 17. The new episodes will begin airing at 9 p.m. each night, but will be preceded by the prior two installments, in case you need a refresher or just have nothing else to watch. (Outside the U.S., it's debuting on Netflix.) There are also two versions of The Last Dance you can watch: The first, airing on ESPN, is uncensored, but there's a more family friendly cut airing on ESPN2 at the same time.
"Full Power" Shishilian is a lion mink and the captain of the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad, as well as one of the Three Inuarashi Musketeers leading the squad. Shishilian is a lion mink with a curly red mane that falls down to his chest, a long and curly tail, and a swirly black handlebar mustache. He wears a purple cape and a large black hat with a feathery pink plume over a olive colored dress shirt bound with a bandolier, black pants held up by a thick red belt, brown boots with puffy furred pink rims, and purple gloves. Shishilian approaches every situation with his entire being in a very over-the-top and dramatic manner, such as making a flying leap before kneeling in gratitude. If people talk about "sweet" things like affection and sugar in his presence, Shishilian will throw them into the Bottomless Valley near Inuarashi's sanatorium and force them to climb back up because he despises such things. Despite his aversion to "sweet" emotions, Shishilian is more than willing to express gratitude, having knelt before the newly-arrived Straw Hat Pirates while proclaiming that he was forever indebted to them and later tried to accompany Monkey D. Luffy on his journey to stop Sanji's wedding alongside the other two Inuarashi Musketeers. He was also saddened by the death of his rival Pedro and paid respects at his grave marker. As one of the Three Inuarashi Musketeers, Shishilian has authority over the rest of the Musketeers.
Shishilian is an extremely powerful warrior even among the minks. Like his fellow minks, Shishilian can use Electro. Shishilian has extreme level of superhuman strength, as the force of his sword strikes can easily cut down multiple Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit users of the Beast Pirates. Even when injured, Shishilian can throw down multiple members of the Musketeers to roughen them up. In the anime, he even lifted an entire giant pineapple building and threw it down on his subordinates. Shishilian is also extremely fast and agile. In the anime, he could instantly cut down multiple Gifters, including the Gifters Grip Trio, without giving them time to retaliate. Shishilian is extremely skilled in swordsmanship. In the anime, alongside his fellow Inuarashi Musketeers, Shishilian expertly cut down numerous Gifters who were powerful enough to brutally overpower the other Musketeers with their Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit abilities, including the Gifters Grip Trio.
Shishilian's sword style is highly aggressive, reflecting his fierce personality of going all out, swiftly cutting down numerous enemies in an instant. Shishilian wields a rapier, which he can channel Electro through. Sometime in the past, Shishilian tried training Carrot in swordsmanship, but Pedro commented that Carrot lacked the talent in using a sword, much to Shishilian's annoyance. When the Beasts Pirates, led by Jack, invaded Zou in search of Raizo, Shishilian and the rest of the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad fought against them, with Shishilian himself saving Wanda from a Gifter while ordering the agile Musketeers to lead the townspeople to the forest. When dusk fell, Shishilian and the musketeers fell back to allow Nekomamushi and the Guardians to take over the battle. The battle against the Beast Pirates lasted for five days. On the fifth day of the battle, Jack lost his patience and unleashed Caesar Clown's Koro gas, which left the Mink Tribe poisoned and drastically weakened. As one of the strongest mink warriors, Shishilian was crucified and tortured for information regarding Raizo, though he denied having any knowledge of the ninja and his whereabouts. The following day, Jack left Zou after hearing about Donquixote Doflamingo's defeat and capture, and the minks were later saved when Sanji and his group came to Zou.
While guarding Inuarashi's sanatorium, Shishilian threw several minks into the Bottomless Valley for speaking of sweet things in his presence. When Wanda brought the Straw Hat Pirates to see Inuarashi, Shishilian knelt before them and expressed his gratitude before allowing them to enter the sanatorium. At 6:00 P.M., Shishilian explained how the city-dwellers were active during the day while the forest-dwellers were active at night before falling asleep. The following day, as Bariete rang the bell and spoke of the arrival of samurai, Shishilian and the rest of the minks rushed to Kurau City. When Kin'emon and Kanjuro revealed themselves, Shishilian and the minks welcomed them and revealed that Raizo was on Zou before standing proudly at having kept his presence a secret. Kin'emon showed Shishilian and the other minks the crest of the Kozuki Family on his back to confirm his allegiance. When Inuarashi and Nekomamushi reluctantly called a truce for the sake of Kozuki Momonosuke, whom they recognized as their lord, Shishilian and the rest of the minks were overjoyed. When Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, the samurai, and the pirates returned from the Whale Tree with Raizo, Zou began shaking as Zunesha started crying out, throwing Shishilian and the others into a state of panic. Jack had returned and was attempting to destroy Zou by killing Zunesha, who retaliated on Momonosuke's command and sank Jack's fleet with one blow, calming down Shishilian and the others in the process. Later on, he requested to accompany the Sanji retrieval team to Whole Cake Island, but was told to stay behind on Zou by Nekomamushi. Shishilian later went with Inuarashi to Wano Country. He and his group later found a severely injured Tama at a wasteland. At Mt. Atama, Shishilian witnessed Inuarashi's clash with Shutenmaru. Sometime later, the Musketeers worked to steal food and weapons from the Beasts Pirates and they left a note saying that Shutenmaru and his gang were responsible for the thefts. Prior to the raid on Onigashima, Shishilian, Wanda, and Carrot were later at the place where graves for Pedro and Yasuie were placed. While having a discussion with Nami, Robin, Wanda, and Carrot in Amigasa Village, the Three Inuarashi Musketeers talked about how the weather conditions could affect their chances in battle. On the day of the Fire Festival, Shishilian joined the Straw Hats on the Thousand Sunny as they entered the battle with the Beasts Pirates. After Jinbe arrived to aid the rebels, Shishilian joined Law and the Scabbards on the Polar Tang and volunteered to lead the minks. He also took part in their discussion on how to enter Onigashima.
Shishilian is an extremely powerful warrior even among the minks. Like his fellow minks, Shishilian can use Electro. Shishilian has extreme level of superhuman strength, as the force of his sword strikes can easily cut down multiple Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit users of the Beast Pirates. Even when injured, Shishilian can throw down multiple members of the Musketeers to roughen them up. In the anime, he even lifted an entire giant pineapple building and threw it down on his subordinates. Shishilian is also extremely fast and agile. In the anime, he could instantly cut down multiple Gifters, including the Gifters Grip Trio, without giving them time to retaliate. Shishilian is extremely skilled in swordsmanship. In the anime, alongside his fellow Inuarashi Musketeers, Shishilian expertly cut down numerous Gifters who were powerful enough to brutally overpower the other Musketeers with their Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit abilities, including the Gifters Grip Trio.
Shishilian's sword style is highly aggressive, reflecting his fierce personality of going all out, swiftly cutting down numerous enemies in an instant. Shishilian wields a rapier, which he can channel Electro through. Sometime in the past, Shishilian tried training Carrot in swordsmanship, but Pedro commented that Carrot lacked the talent in using a sword, much to Shishilian's annoyance. When the Beasts Pirates, led by Jack, invaded Zou in search of Raizo, Shishilian and the rest of the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad fought against them, with Shishilian himself saving Wanda from a Gifter while ordering the agile Musketeers to lead the townspeople to the forest. When dusk fell, Shishilian and the musketeers fell back to allow Nekomamushi and the Guardians to take over the battle. The battle against the Beast Pirates lasted for five days. On the fifth day of the battle, Jack lost his patience and unleashed Caesar Clown's Koro gas, which left the Mink Tribe poisoned and drastically weakened. As one of the strongest mink warriors, Shishilian was crucified and tortured for information regarding Raizo, though he denied having any knowledge of the ninja and his whereabouts. The following day, Jack left Zou after hearing about Donquixote Doflamingo's defeat and capture, and the minks were later saved when Sanji and his group came to Zou.
While guarding Inuarashi's sanatorium, Shishilian threw several minks into the Bottomless Valley for speaking of sweet things in his presence. When Wanda brought the Straw Hat Pirates to see Inuarashi, Shishilian knelt before them and expressed his gratitude before allowing them to enter the sanatorium. At 6:00 P.M., Shishilian explained how the city-dwellers were active during the day while the forest-dwellers were active at night before falling asleep. The following day, as Bariete rang the bell and spoke of the arrival of samurai, Shishilian and the rest of the minks rushed to Kurau City. When Kin'emon and Kanjuro revealed themselves, Shishilian and the minks welcomed them and revealed that Raizo was on Zou before standing proudly at having kept his presence a secret. Kin'emon showed Shishilian and the other minks the crest of the Kozuki Family on his back to confirm his allegiance. When Inuarashi and Nekomamushi reluctantly called a truce for the sake of Kozuki Momonosuke, whom they recognized as their lord, Shishilian and the rest of the minks were overjoyed. When Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, the samurai, and the pirates returned from the Whale Tree with Raizo, Zou began shaking as Zunesha started crying out, throwing Shishilian and the others into a state of panic. Jack had returned and was attempting to destroy Zou by killing Zunesha, who retaliated on Momonosuke's command and sank Jack's fleet with one blow, calming down Shishilian and the others in the process. Later on, he requested to accompany the Sanji retrieval team to Whole Cake Island, but was told to stay behind on Zou by Nekomamushi. Shishilian later went with Inuarashi to Wano Country. He and his group later found a severely injured Tama at a wasteland. At Mt. Atama, Shishilian witnessed Inuarashi's clash with Shutenmaru. Sometime later, the Musketeers worked to steal food and weapons from the Beasts Pirates and they left a note saying that Shutenmaru and his gang were responsible for the thefts. Prior to the raid on Onigashima, Shishilian, Wanda, and Carrot were later at the place where graves for Pedro and Yasuie were placed. While having a discussion with Nami, Robin, Wanda, and Carrot in Amigasa Village, the Three Inuarashi Musketeers talked about how the weather conditions could affect their chances in battle. On the day of the Fire Festival, Shishilian joined the Straw Hats on the Thousand Sunny as they entered the battle with the Beasts Pirates. After Jinbe arrived to aid the rebels, Shishilian joined Law and the Scabbards on the Polar Tang and volunteered to lead the minks. He also took part in their discussion on how to enter Onigashima.
Kurozumi Orochi
Kurozumi Orochi is the current shogun of the Wano Country and an ally of Kaido, one of the Yonko. Due to his actions and role, he is the secondary antagonist of the Wano Country Arc and one of the central antagonists of the Yonko Saga. Orochi is a rather large man with a big head and stocky build. He appears to be balding, with his dark purple hair being mostly seen on the sides and back of his head, and he has a long topknot in the back, as well as a thin mustache that sticks upward. His two upper canine teeth are longer than his other teeth and are blunt. They remain blunt in his hybrid form. He wears a gold kimono with a fan-shaped pattern on it, a blue robe with flowers on it, as well as a crown on his head. In his transformed state, the main head is a darker olive green with red scales while the other heads are a lighter shade with yellow scales. Every head has black horns, orange eyebrows, and light purple scales. Each head also has red eyes with blue irises and purple tongues. As one of the last members of the Kurozumi Family, who were disgraced and stripped of their power and authority, Orochi developed immense greed and thirst for power from an early age due to being forced to live in poverty since birth. When he worked as a servant for Yasuie, Orochi outwardly exhibited a timid and servile attitude, but this was all an act to steal money by preying on the sympathies of others.
Having been twisted by the Kurozumi Family's unfair persecution since his childhood, Orochi is an extremely cruel and oppressive tyrant who takes joy in making his subjects suffer as revenge for his family's persecution. Under his rule, the people of Wano have suffered great famines. The officials under him also harshly enforce his regime, and he collaborated with Kaido to not only kill Kozuki Oden, but also allowed the Beasts Pirates to turn Wano into a nearly complete wasteland in exchange for borrowing Kaido's power and protection, disregarding his country and people in favor of his own self-interest. Due to his power and connections, he is completely fearless and arrogant, as he proclaimed to CP-0 that he does not fear the Celestial Dragons nor the Marines. He even shot one of the CP-0 agents, confident that they could do nothing against him. Although he hates his country, Orochi desires to create an image of him being a heroic and strong ruler with a happy populace. During his reign, he has had schools teach propaganda about him being the one to defeat Oden and maintain the country's isolation, when in reality Kaido was the one to do those. When meeting with CP-0, he claimed that the citizens around them were happy, although this reality only exists in the wealthy Flower Capital. To give the impoverished citizens the facade of happiness, Orochi put defective SMILE fruits in their food supply to render them unable to express negative emotions, and he sadistically danced in delight when in the midst of the laughing Ebisu Town citizens who in reality were deeply sorrowful over the loss of their great friend Yasuie.
Orochi is extremely domineering and unreasonable with absolutely no tolerance of anyone defying him or speaking ill of him, even if it is out of his earshot and in casual discussion. He has made those actions a capital crime, which the Gifters enforce. He is petty enough to mercilessly attack and kill anyone who offends him, whether they are a man, woman, or child (though may hesitate with a woman he has feelings for). He gets angry if his target ends up being spared from his wrath, as shown when Kyoshiro struck down Komurasaki to give her mercy. He also will not let a grudge go, as after Toko escaped his grasp, he hired an assassin to hunt her down. He does not tolerate failure from his ranks, as he sent the assassin to the Prisoner Mine for failing to kill Toko. When Zoro and Sanji protected Toko, Orochi was utterly enraged at their interference with his execution, and ordered his subordinates to kill Zoro and Sanji in cold blood. Before he left Rasetsu Town, he gave his men specific orders to kill the Straw Hats at all costs for defying him. Orochi will put the blame on others for events that displease him, such as blaming Toko for causing Komurasaki to appear to be killed even though he was in an uncontrollable rage against her for defying him. Orochi has proven himself to be quite hypocritical. While he is propagandized as a hero for defeating the Kozuki Family and maintaining Wano's isolationism, Orochi has allied himself with Kaido, a pirate who in turn has various connections to the outside world. Orochi allied with Kaido by funding weapons factories, and he is willing to broker weapon trades with outside parties desperate enough to match his exorbitant demands. One such party was CP-0, which Orochi first brokered with in exchange for a battleship before demanding that they give him Vegapunk to continue trading. He is also extremely ungrateful, as he abused both Yasuie and Oden's kindness of giving him a job and money by using what was given to him to further his own agenda, and then betraying them by stripping them of everything before ultimately killing them. Additionally, he is dishonorable and typically does not honor deals, as he had no intention of leaving Wano despite agreeing to do so in exchange for Oden humiliating himself for five years. When Oden made a deal with Kaido for him and his retainers to go free if he withstood being boiled for an hour, Orochi changed the deal after Oden survived the hour and ordered for him to be shot to death.
As shogun, Orochi has full control over Wano Country and its inhabitants. He has government officials working under him who enforce his rule, and has a group of elite ninja known as the Orochi Oniwabanshu as well as samurai known as the Mimawarigumi who serve and protect him without question. He also possesses the backing of Kaido of the Yonko, so if he and his subordinates are threatened, Kaido will hear about it and deal with the threat, which is proven in the past when Kaido brutally ended a massive rebellion staged by countless samurais banded together led by the daimyos serving the Kozuki Family against Orochi's new rule. He believes that, with Kaido's support, not even the World Government nor World Nobles can overthrow him nor topple Wano. Orochi has an extremely sharp intuition and a strategic cunning as he orchestrated Kanjuro to infiltrate the Nine Red Scabbards as a mole. Unlike most of his complacent subordinates, Orochi was right to take Toki's prophecy seriously, which allowed him to correctly deduce that Oden's son and retainers are still alive and that certain incidents around Wano Country are connected to Kin'emon, which is confirmed after his spy Kanjuro contacted him after Kanjuro traveled twenty years into the future. He whole-heartedly believes that they are planning to overthrow him and his ally Kaido, even though there is no concrete evidence to support his suspicions. Through his spy, Orochi received information regarding Kozuki Hiyori, the time travel of the Nine Red Scabbards, and the assembly location and numbers of the enemy alliance. This allowed him to correctly figure out their plans and take effective actions to prevent them from mobilizing, by destroying the cave containing the Thousand Sunny and blowing up all the bridges connecting the country's regions ahead of time. However, Orochi's efforts failed due to Kin'emon misreading Yasuie's message as well as Orochi miscalculating the distances of the provinces, acting too late in stopping them. In the Flower Capital school, Orochi has been lauded as being a powerful swordsman said to utilize a sword-style known as Orochi Nitoryu, literally meaning "Orochi Two Swords Style"), and according to propaganda, he uses this style to defeat Kozuki Oden and his retainers. However, this is all false information to paint him as being a powerful Shogun, as it was Kaido who defeated Oden, with Orochi not even being present during the battle. After hearing Toko laughing after his raving about the Kozuki Family, he used a katana to slice wildly through a thin wall while completely missing Toko, displaying little to no skill in swordsmanship. Orochi has great marksmanship skills, having been seen wielding a flintlock pistol and rifle. He was able to quickly draw his pistol and shoot a CP-0 agent in the head with it, although the agent was unharmed by the bullet. With his rifle, he was able to shoot Shimotsuki Yasuie to death from a great distance away, and was shown aiming directly at Toko's head when trying to shoot her.
Having been twisted by the Kurozumi Family's unfair persecution since his childhood, Orochi is an extremely cruel and oppressive tyrant who takes joy in making his subjects suffer as revenge for his family's persecution. Under his rule, the people of Wano have suffered great famines. The officials under him also harshly enforce his regime, and he collaborated with Kaido to not only kill Kozuki Oden, but also allowed the Beasts Pirates to turn Wano into a nearly complete wasteland in exchange for borrowing Kaido's power and protection, disregarding his country and people in favor of his own self-interest. Due to his power and connections, he is completely fearless and arrogant, as he proclaimed to CP-0 that he does not fear the Celestial Dragons nor the Marines. He even shot one of the CP-0 agents, confident that they could do nothing against him. Although he hates his country, Orochi desires to create an image of him being a heroic and strong ruler with a happy populace. During his reign, he has had schools teach propaganda about him being the one to defeat Oden and maintain the country's isolation, when in reality Kaido was the one to do those. When meeting with CP-0, he claimed that the citizens around them were happy, although this reality only exists in the wealthy Flower Capital. To give the impoverished citizens the facade of happiness, Orochi put defective SMILE fruits in their food supply to render them unable to express negative emotions, and he sadistically danced in delight when in the midst of the laughing Ebisu Town citizens who in reality were deeply sorrowful over the loss of their great friend Yasuie.
Orochi is extremely domineering and unreasonable with absolutely no tolerance of anyone defying him or speaking ill of him, even if it is out of his earshot and in casual discussion. He has made those actions a capital crime, which the Gifters enforce. He is petty enough to mercilessly attack and kill anyone who offends him, whether they are a man, woman, or child (though may hesitate with a woman he has feelings for). He gets angry if his target ends up being spared from his wrath, as shown when Kyoshiro struck down Komurasaki to give her mercy. He also will not let a grudge go, as after Toko escaped his grasp, he hired an assassin to hunt her down. He does not tolerate failure from his ranks, as he sent the assassin to the Prisoner Mine for failing to kill Toko. When Zoro and Sanji protected Toko, Orochi was utterly enraged at their interference with his execution, and ordered his subordinates to kill Zoro and Sanji in cold blood. Before he left Rasetsu Town, he gave his men specific orders to kill the Straw Hats at all costs for defying him. Orochi will put the blame on others for events that displease him, such as blaming Toko for causing Komurasaki to appear to be killed even though he was in an uncontrollable rage against her for defying him. Orochi has proven himself to be quite hypocritical. While he is propagandized as a hero for defeating the Kozuki Family and maintaining Wano's isolationism, Orochi has allied himself with Kaido, a pirate who in turn has various connections to the outside world. Orochi allied with Kaido by funding weapons factories, and he is willing to broker weapon trades with outside parties desperate enough to match his exorbitant demands. One such party was CP-0, which Orochi first brokered with in exchange for a battleship before demanding that they give him Vegapunk to continue trading. He is also extremely ungrateful, as he abused both Yasuie and Oden's kindness of giving him a job and money by using what was given to him to further his own agenda, and then betraying them by stripping them of everything before ultimately killing them. Additionally, he is dishonorable and typically does not honor deals, as he had no intention of leaving Wano despite agreeing to do so in exchange for Oden humiliating himself for five years. When Oden made a deal with Kaido for him and his retainers to go free if he withstood being boiled for an hour, Orochi changed the deal after Oden survived the hour and ordered for him to be shot to death.
As shogun, Orochi has full control over Wano Country and its inhabitants. He has government officials working under him who enforce his rule, and has a group of elite ninja known as the Orochi Oniwabanshu as well as samurai known as the Mimawarigumi who serve and protect him without question. He also possesses the backing of Kaido of the Yonko, so if he and his subordinates are threatened, Kaido will hear about it and deal with the threat, which is proven in the past when Kaido brutally ended a massive rebellion staged by countless samurais banded together led by the daimyos serving the Kozuki Family against Orochi's new rule. He believes that, with Kaido's support, not even the World Government nor World Nobles can overthrow him nor topple Wano. Orochi has an extremely sharp intuition and a strategic cunning as he orchestrated Kanjuro to infiltrate the Nine Red Scabbards as a mole. Unlike most of his complacent subordinates, Orochi was right to take Toki's prophecy seriously, which allowed him to correctly deduce that Oden's son and retainers are still alive and that certain incidents around Wano Country are connected to Kin'emon, which is confirmed after his spy Kanjuro contacted him after Kanjuro traveled twenty years into the future. He whole-heartedly believes that they are planning to overthrow him and his ally Kaido, even though there is no concrete evidence to support his suspicions. Through his spy, Orochi received information regarding Kozuki Hiyori, the time travel of the Nine Red Scabbards, and the assembly location and numbers of the enemy alliance. This allowed him to correctly figure out their plans and take effective actions to prevent them from mobilizing, by destroying the cave containing the Thousand Sunny and blowing up all the bridges connecting the country's regions ahead of time. However, Orochi's efforts failed due to Kin'emon misreading Yasuie's message as well as Orochi miscalculating the distances of the provinces, acting too late in stopping them. In the Flower Capital school, Orochi has been lauded as being a powerful swordsman said to utilize a sword-style known as Orochi Nitoryu, literally meaning "Orochi Two Swords Style"), and according to propaganda, he uses this style to defeat Kozuki Oden and his retainers. However, this is all false information to paint him as being a powerful Shogun, as it was Kaido who defeated Oden, with Orochi not even being present during the battle. After hearing Toko laughing after his raving about the Kozuki Family, he used a katana to slice wildly through a thin wall while completely missing Toko, displaying little to no skill in swordsmanship. Orochi has great marksmanship skills, having been seen wielding a flintlock pistol and rifle. He was able to quickly draw his pistol and shoot a CP-0 agent in the head with it, although the agent was unharmed by the bullet. With his rifle, he was able to shoot Shimotsuki Yasuie to death from a great distance away, and was shown aiming directly at Toko's head when trying to shoot her.
Hyogoro of the Flower was the most famous yakuza boss in Wano Country during the Kozuki Family's reign. During Kurozumi Orochi's reign, he was imprisoned in Udon's prisoner mines until he was freed by Monkey D. Luffy. As a prisoner, he was known as Grandpa Hyo. Hyogoro is a small, elderly man with a cyan tuft of hair and goatee that resemble small flames. He has a blue tattoo covering his shoulders and upper back that resembles a vest with pink flower patterns and a border. As an inmate of the Prisoner Mine, he wore a black and white striped yukata undone above the waist, leaving his upper body bare aside from a small orange scarf. He also wore small round orange glasses and warabi sandals. He later draped a short light cloak over his shoulders. At the battle at Onigashima, he wore a light-colored yukata with dark cherry blossom patterns and a dark cloak with bird symbols somewhat similar to the Kozuki Family crest. Over twenty years ago, he was a taller heavyset man with longer hair and goatee resembling wilder flames. Hyogoro is an extremely honorable and kind man who was once famous throughout Wano for his unmatched chivalry as a samurai. Countless samurai and even Oden himself held utmost respect for him. Hyogoro deeply despises the tyranny of Kurozumi Orochi and the Beasts Pirates, denouncing their oppression of Wano's citizens and murder of everyone who stood up to them. When given the chance to submit before Orochi, he refused, yearning for the old days when honorable people were still alive.
After spending a long time in the prison, he became somewhat timid, although still voiced his disappointment with his lack of food despite such an attitude being punishable. However, when Luffy gave him more dango, Hyogoro took the pirate's honor very seriously and made no secret of his new fortune, being willing to accept death for it because of how it fulfilled his memories of the past. By his admission, he consigned himself to a miserable death in prison. Upon reuniting with Raizo and made aware of the whereabouts of the alleged deceased members of the Nine Red Scabbards and Momonosuke, Hyogoro came to appreciate a new will to live, being very relieved that he did not die before knowing everything, and requesting to join the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance to crush Orochi and Kaido. He can be bold, staying in the path of an angry Big Mom just to test Luffy. Hyogoro was respected by all the samurais of Wano for his immense chivalry and kindness towards the citizens. Shinobu believed that if Hyogoro joined their campaign in overthrowing Kaido and Orochi, he could rally all the samurais to their cause.
Hyogoro's patriotism towards Wano is so great that he absolutely refused to cooperate with Orochi's plans for mass weapon factory industrialization despite the consequences of going against Orochi. After being imprisoned, most of the citizens thought he was executed by Orochi for defiance and his fellow prisoners no longer recognized him as the legendary Yakuza, simply referring him as Grandpa Hyo. They cared deeply for Hyogoro who no longer had the strength to work in the hard prison labor, but lack the courage to help him by defying the Beast Pirates. When Daifugo attacked Hyogoro for cheating the system, they pleaded him to stop hurting Hyogoro as he could possibly die due to his old age. However, when seeing him use an advanced Busoshoku Haki technique on a Gifter, the prisoners realize that he is Hyogoro. Hyogoro also expressed sadness at the death of the former benevolent Hakumai Daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie after seeing his execution. Hyogoro held immense sympathy towards the poor Wano citizens's immense suffering and misery from Kaido and Orochi's tyranny, as when Luffy was silently angered at the Ebisu Town citizens laughing at Yasuie's death, Hyogoro solemly explained about the side effects of the defective SMILE fruits whom Orochi had fed his own citizens including some of their fellow prisoners who had fallen victim to Orochi's twisted cruelty. When Daifugo and the other Beast Pirates attacked his fellow prisoners, Hyogoro rushed to their aid, though was disappointed by their broken morale that led them to simply give into the Beast Pirates's oppression, when Luffy successfully convinced them to retaliate back at the Beast Pirates, Hyogoro was elated while praising Kinemon for making an extremely wise choice of recruiting Luffy as their ally.
In the past, Hyogoro was once Wano's most famous yakuza boss, being in charge of all Underworld dealings in the Flower Capital. He curried enough respect to hold authority over the five yakuza bosses of the other regions of Wano. In fact, his popularity among the Wano population was so massive that Shinobu was certain that, even after two decades, Hyogoro alone would be able to recruit the necessary amount of samurai to stand a chance in the revolution against Orochi. In the past, Hyogoro was respected by countless samurais, Yakuzas, and even Kaido and Orochi themselves for his legendary strength. However, due to long term malnutrition due to his imprisonment, along with the effects of old age, Hyogoro's strength has significantly declined. However, he is still strong enough to move five massive stone blocks. After eating Queen's oshiruko supply, Hyogoro regained enough energy and strength to overpower the Beast Pirates with his swordsmanship. Hyogoro has exceptional endurance despite his old age, as he could withstand a Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit enhanced Gifter, Daifugo's brutally kicking him without spitting out the food Luffy offered him. This combined with his superior Busoushoku Haki skills, he survived getting sent flying and crashing deep into a wall by the Yonko Big Mom, an incredible feat, as Big Mom is powerful enough to destroy cities, sink battleships, and even kill strong giants with just her bare hands. Despite suffering this injury, he is able to fight the Beasts Pirates later on. Hyogoro has displayed great agility in spite of his old age. He was able to avoid the sword attacks of Alpacaman and counterattack fairly easily, though he did have Luffy's future vision to tell him what would happen next. Hyogoro is an extremely skilled and experienced Busoshoku Haki user, which is called "Ryuo" in Wano. He can harden parts of his body and can utilize an advanced application of Busoshoku Haki that allows him to emit his Haki a short distance without a medium. It is strong enough to strike down a Gifter without touching him. He also withstood an attack from Big Mom by guarding himself with Busoshoku Haki. He was skilled enough as a teacher to teach Luffy in the same advanced technique. Hyogoro is an extremely skilled veteran samurai as despite his old age and twenty years of imprisonment, he manages to dispatch dozens of Beasts Pirates easily with his sword.
After spending a long time in the prison, he became somewhat timid, although still voiced his disappointment with his lack of food despite such an attitude being punishable. However, when Luffy gave him more dango, Hyogoro took the pirate's honor very seriously and made no secret of his new fortune, being willing to accept death for it because of how it fulfilled his memories of the past. By his admission, he consigned himself to a miserable death in prison. Upon reuniting with Raizo and made aware of the whereabouts of the alleged deceased members of the Nine Red Scabbards and Momonosuke, Hyogoro came to appreciate a new will to live, being very relieved that he did not die before knowing everything, and requesting to join the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance to crush Orochi and Kaido. He can be bold, staying in the path of an angry Big Mom just to test Luffy. Hyogoro was respected by all the samurais of Wano for his immense chivalry and kindness towards the citizens. Shinobu believed that if Hyogoro joined their campaign in overthrowing Kaido and Orochi, he could rally all the samurais to their cause.
Hyogoro's patriotism towards Wano is so great that he absolutely refused to cooperate with Orochi's plans for mass weapon factory industrialization despite the consequences of going against Orochi. After being imprisoned, most of the citizens thought he was executed by Orochi for defiance and his fellow prisoners no longer recognized him as the legendary Yakuza, simply referring him as Grandpa Hyo. They cared deeply for Hyogoro who no longer had the strength to work in the hard prison labor, but lack the courage to help him by defying the Beast Pirates. When Daifugo attacked Hyogoro for cheating the system, they pleaded him to stop hurting Hyogoro as he could possibly die due to his old age. However, when seeing him use an advanced Busoshoku Haki technique on a Gifter, the prisoners realize that he is Hyogoro. Hyogoro also expressed sadness at the death of the former benevolent Hakumai Daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie after seeing his execution. Hyogoro held immense sympathy towards the poor Wano citizens's immense suffering and misery from Kaido and Orochi's tyranny, as when Luffy was silently angered at the Ebisu Town citizens laughing at Yasuie's death, Hyogoro solemly explained about the side effects of the defective SMILE fruits whom Orochi had fed his own citizens including some of their fellow prisoners who had fallen victim to Orochi's twisted cruelty. When Daifugo and the other Beast Pirates attacked his fellow prisoners, Hyogoro rushed to their aid, though was disappointed by their broken morale that led them to simply give into the Beast Pirates's oppression, when Luffy successfully convinced them to retaliate back at the Beast Pirates, Hyogoro was elated while praising Kinemon for making an extremely wise choice of recruiting Luffy as their ally.
In the past, Hyogoro was once Wano's most famous yakuza boss, being in charge of all Underworld dealings in the Flower Capital. He curried enough respect to hold authority over the five yakuza bosses of the other regions of Wano. In fact, his popularity among the Wano population was so massive that Shinobu was certain that, even after two decades, Hyogoro alone would be able to recruit the necessary amount of samurai to stand a chance in the revolution against Orochi. In the past, Hyogoro was respected by countless samurais, Yakuzas, and even Kaido and Orochi themselves for his legendary strength. However, due to long term malnutrition due to his imprisonment, along with the effects of old age, Hyogoro's strength has significantly declined. However, he is still strong enough to move five massive stone blocks. After eating Queen's oshiruko supply, Hyogoro regained enough energy and strength to overpower the Beast Pirates with his swordsmanship. Hyogoro has exceptional endurance despite his old age, as he could withstand a Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit enhanced Gifter, Daifugo's brutally kicking him without spitting out the food Luffy offered him. This combined with his superior Busoushoku Haki skills, he survived getting sent flying and crashing deep into a wall by the Yonko Big Mom, an incredible feat, as Big Mom is powerful enough to destroy cities, sink battleships, and even kill strong giants with just her bare hands. Despite suffering this injury, he is able to fight the Beasts Pirates later on. Hyogoro has displayed great agility in spite of his old age. He was able to avoid the sword attacks of Alpacaman and counterattack fairly easily, though he did have Luffy's future vision to tell him what would happen next. Hyogoro is an extremely skilled and experienced Busoshoku Haki user, which is called "Ryuo" in Wano. He can harden parts of his body and can utilize an advanced application of Busoshoku Haki that allows him to emit his Haki a short distance without a medium. It is strong enough to strike down a Gifter without touching him. He also withstood an attack from Big Mom by guarding himself with Busoshoku Haki. He was skilled enough as a teacher to teach Luffy in the same advanced technique. Hyogoro is an extremely skilled veteran samurai as despite his old age and twenty years of imprisonment, he manages to dispatch dozens of Beasts Pirates easily with his sword.
X Drake
"Red Flag" X Drake (read as "Diez Drake"), is the Captain of the Marine Secret Special Unit SWORD, and the captain of the Drake Pirates, who defected from his position as rear admiral to go undercover as a pirate. He is one of twelve pirates referred to as the "Worst Generation", and prior to the two-year timeskip had a bounty of Beli222,000,000. Currently, he and his crew are affiliated with the Beasts Pirates, a major pirate crew led by Kaido, one of the Yonko. X Drake serves as one of the crew's Headliners and one of the Flying Six, six of the strongest Headliners. Drake is the son of the Marine-turned-pirate Diez Barrels, and as a young adult was called Dory. He was physically abused by his father, and when the Donquixote Pirates invaded Barrels' hideout 13 years ago, he abandoned Barrels' crew as they were trapped and massacred. Drake is a tall, lean, and muscular man who wears what appears to be a combination of a white-plumed cocked hat with his crew's Jolly Roger on the side and a mask over his eyes. Underneath this headgear, Drake's hair is reddish brown, with brush-like sideburns. On his broad chin he has an "X" (not confirmed to be either a scar or tattoo) and on his chest and upper body he also has another large "X". The "X's", as well as that in his name, represents the Roman Numeral X for 10, not the English letter. When seen from above, his bicorne greatly resembles the head of a Pterodactyl.
He wears armor on his relatively thin legs and arms consisting of knee-high boots and gloves that go up past his elbows, respectively. The openings to both the gloves and the boots are also secured by the armor, which is rounded for the gloves and a sharp maple leaf pattern for the boots at the front of his knees. On the rest of his body he wears leather pants and a leather shirt. A belt with a large ornately designed circular belt buckle secures Drake's pants as well as his sword and axe to his waist. He also wears a black cape, which, from the inside, is crimson-colored, with a white fur lining around the neck. After the Summit War, he is seen wearing a scarf that is tied around his neck when he appeared on a winter island that was apparently under the protection of Kaido. As a young adult, Drake wore a tattered, bloodied shirt with pants and boots on the snowy Minion Island while with the Barrels Pirates, though later on during a supposed escape, he managed to acquire a somewhat tattered, thick winter coat with a hood as well as a pair of dark gloves. Due to the mental and physical abuse he suffered from his father, he was undersized for his age and easily mistaken as a child by the Donquixote Pirates.
After the timeskip, Drake no longer has his bicorne, exposing his now light orange hair spiked into a fauxhawk. He also has a black headband with an eye-hole that is slanted so it only goes over his left eye. As a young man thirteen years ago, he appeared to be the type that is very reluctant to fight as Barrels stated he was "always a no-show" and reluctant to help (at least anyone in his crew) as instead of helping one of the pirates of the crew, he ran away instead (even though he was already stated to have "power" which he could have used to help).Drake displays a stern, dead-serious disposition at all times. He is also observant and patient and appears to be a pirate who avoids needless violence, especially if he knows that it would cause too much attention. He has shown great bravery as he was willing to attract the attention of Kaido even though Kaido was able to strike fear into even Doflamingo. However, he gets flustered easily when he sees naked women, as he fainted after entering a bathhouse in search of Sanji, though he promptly tried to deny anything of the sort. However, when a situation calls for violence, he reveals a surprisingly ruthless and bloodthirsty streak. This can be first seen during his encounter with the Pacifista in Sabaody Archipelago where he grins after biting the cyborg on the head, causing it to bleed, and again when he deliberately attacks a subordinate of Kaido's on learning it would further his goal of attracting the attention of the Yonko. His goals appear atypical from the other pirates, as he intervened in the fight between Urouge and a Pacifista even though there was no apparent need for him to get involved.
When he was a member of the Barrels Pirates thirteen years ago, it was said he was the strongest member of the crew. As a former high-ranking Marine officer, Drake has a deep understanding of the workings of the World Government, and is able to use this knowledge to protect himself from danger and predict the movements of the Marines. He is also aware of the Pacifista and Vegapunk. His considerable knowledge may have contributed to his enormous bounty. He is also quite intelligent, interrupting Killer and Urouge's battle because he knew that it would only draw more unwanted attention. He is skilled enough that he was capable of interrupting the fight of two other Supernovas with just one move, and has demonstrated physical strength to the degree where he was able to knock aside a "copy" of the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma. This is an amazing feat as both Bepo and Sanji nearly injured themselves when they kicked one of the Pacifistas. Despite the fact he was invoking the wrath of Kaido by attacking Scotch and his favorite island, he was able to live through the experience and made a greater name for himself. As a Headliner in the Beasts Pirates, Drake holds a high position in the crew and has authority over the lower-ranking members, and as a member of the Flying Six, he is among the strongest of the Headliners. X Drake has immense strength, being considered the strongest member of the Barrels Pirates during his youth, and was strong enough to become a Rear Admiral of the Marines prior to his defection. He could block simultaneous blows from Urouge and Killer, fellow members of the Worst Generation, with little effort and according to Hitetsu, Drake single-handedly defeated the five samurais who guarded Amigasa Village. X Drake wields a sword which looks like a rapier and was seen using it with a four-bladed axe. He has been seen to have the sword in his left hand and the axe in his right. Drake is extremely skilled in wielding his weapons, being able to interrupt Killer and Urouge's fight. Drake ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that gives him the ability to transform into an Allosaurus. In this form, Drake is strong enough to make a Pacifista bleed by biting its head, despite the cyborgs being made of a stronger material than steel.
He wears armor on his relatively thin legs and arms consisting of knee-high boots and gloves that go up past his elbows, respectively. The openings to both the gloves and the boots are also secured by the armor, which is rounded for the gloves and a sharp maple leaf pattern for the boots at the front of his knees. On the rest of his body he wears leather pants and a leather shirt. A belt with a large ornately designed circular belt buckle secures Drake's pants as well as his sword and axe to his waist. He also wears a black cape, which, from the inside, is crimson-colored, with a white fur lining around the neck. After the Summit War, he is seen wearing a scarf that is tied around his neck when he appeared on a winter island that was apparently under the protection of Kaido. As a young adult, Drake wore a tattered, bloodied shirt with pants and boots on the snowy Minion Island while with the Barrels Pirates, though later on during a supposed escape, he managed to acquire a somewhat tattered, thick winter coat with a hood as well as a pair of dark gloves. Due to the mental and physical abuse he suffered from his father, he was undersized for his age and easily mistaken as a child by the Donquixote Pirates.
After the timeskip, Drake no longer has his bicorne, exposing his now light orange hair spiked into a fauxhawk. He also has a black headband with an eye-hole that is slanted so it only goes over his left eye. As a young man thirteen years ago, he appeared to be the type that is very reluctant to fight as Barrels stated he was "always a no-show" and reluctant to help (at least anyone in his crew) as instead of helping one of the pirates of the crew, he ran away instead (even though he was already stated to have "power" which he could have used to help).Drake displays a stern, dead-serious disposition at all times. He is also observant and patient and appears to be a pirate who avoids needless violence, especially if he knows that it would cause too much attention. He has shown great bravery as he was willing to attract the attention of Kaido even though Kaido was able to strike fear into even Doflamingo. However, he gets flustered easily when he sees naked women, as he fainted after entering a bathhouse in search of Sanji, though he promptly tried to deny anything of the sort. However, when a situation calls for violence, he reveals a surprisingly ruthless and bloodthirsty streak. This can be first seen during his encounter with the Pacifista in Sabaody Archipelago where he grins after biting the cyborg on the head, causing it to bleed, and again when he deliberately attacks a subordinate of Kaido's on learning it would further his goal of attracting the attention of the Yonko. His goals appear atypical from the other pirates, as he intervened in the fight between Urouge and a Pacifista even though there was no apparent need for him to get involved.
When he was a member of the Barrels Pirates thirteen years ago, it was said he was the strongest member of the crew. As a former high-ranking Marine officer, Drake has a deep understanding of the workings of the World Government, and is able to use this knowledge to protect himself from danger and predict the movements of the Marines. He is also aware of the Pacifista and Vegapunk. His considerable knowledge may have contributed to his enormous bounty. He is also quite intelligent, interrupting Killer and Urouge's battle because he knew that it would only draw more unwanted attention. He is skilled enough that he was capable of interrupting the fight of two other Supernovas with just one move, and has demonstrated physical strength to the degree where he was able to knock aside a "copy" of the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma. This is an amazing feat as both Bepo and Sanji nearly injured themselves when they kicked one of the Pacifistas. Despite the fact he was invoking the wrath of Kaido by attacking Scotch and his favorite island, he was able to live through the experience and made a greater name for himself. As a Headliner in the Beasts Pirates, Drake holds a high position in the crew and has authority over the lower-ranking members, and as a member of the Flying Six, he is among the strongest of the Headliners. X Drake has immense strength, being considered the strongest member of the Barrels Pirates during his youth, and was strong enough to become a Rear Admiral of the Marines prior to his defection. He could block simultaneous blows from Urouge and Killer, fellow members of the Worst Generation, with little effort and according to Hitetsu, Drake single-handedly defeated the five samurais who guarded Amigasa Village. X Drake wields a sword which looks like a rapier and was seen using it with a four-bladed axe. He has been seen to have the sword in his left hand and the axe in his right. Drake is extremely skilled in wielding his weapons, being able to interrupt Killer and Urouge's fight. Drake ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that gives him the ability to transform into an Allosaurus. In this form, Drake is strong enough to make a Pacifista bleed by biting its head, despite the cyborgs being made of a stronger material than steel.
Queen the Plague is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of Kaido's three closest confidants, the Disasters. Currently, he serves as the de-facto ruler of Udon, a region in Wano Country. Due to his actions and role, he is a major antagonist in the Wano Country Arc. Queen is a massive, round-figured man (evidently obese but claiming otherwise) with light skin. He seems marginally shorter than his fellow two All-Stars but is still at least twice a normal human's height. Similar to Jack, he is built top-heavy, with thick, tapering arms yet, compared to his upper self, smallish legs. Queen's head is hunched, undistinguished from his neck due to its plumpness, with a small face. His eyes are covered by sunglasses with gray, oval rims, which instead of having temples are strapped on by black bands, going around his head in such a way as to form an X both on his forehead and occiput. He has no visible eyebrows, a small hook nose, and his small mouth, sporting dark-blue lipstick, always smokes a big cigar. His hair is blond: a thick, queue-like braid through eight ties, with a stinger-shaped ending tuft, comes out the back of his head, which is otherwise bald. Additionally, he dons a Fu Manchu mustache whose tendrils widen as they droop to his chest. A stitched scar runs curvilinear from his right chest up to the shoulder. On Queen's upper right arm is a black tattoo consisting of his crew's Jolly Roger above his name in block capitals. Queen's left arm, up to the shoulder, seems cybernetic, composed of metallic rings, bolted plating, wiring, and even a small pressure gauge, with the corresponding hand covered in an orange glove (red in the anime). Queen wears large, very high-waisted overalls, uniformly reaching just below the chest, which are thickly, vertically striped black-and-white and held up by suspenders connecting with 8-shaped, golden clasps on the frontal top edge; a piece of cloth striped the same is integrated into his metal arm. As for footwear, Queen has simple, dark ankle boots.
Queen is a very flamboyant man who likes to sing and dance. Being extremely dramatic, he tends to treat matters like he is in a show, as seen when he told Babanuki to make an official ranking of his issues. Due to his flair for drama, Queen is very expressive and exaggerated in showing his shock to bad news. He can be rather vain, as he proudly proclaimed his muscle and how he would be much more attractive if he was not voluntarily this large Like King, Queen is extremely rude and critical of his crewmates, as he was quick to deride his fellow All-Stars and call them names. He and King seem to have a mutual sense of disdain for Jack, as they are quick to gang up on him when in the same room. He also used derogatory language when addressing his subordinates in Prisoner Mine. Queen believes that the time it takes for a battle to conclude combined with the number of fighters is what determines the level of excitement in combat. To this end, Queen is fair to some extent, allowing Luffy to fight in the Great Sumo Inferno without being restricted by the Seastone cuffs. However, his execution games are nevertheless intended to be inescapable and unwinnable. He is also willing to add sadistic rules such as keeping Kid and Kamazo submerged in water until Luffy and Hyogoro die in the ring. According to Daifugo, Queen's hobbies are building weapons and viruses. Queen also has a fondness for beautiful women, as he was seen ogling a picture of Komurasaki, and he appears to frequent the Red-Light District for prostitutes. His subordinates believed that he would go berserk and take his anger out on them if he found out that Komurasaki was dead.Queen is a glutton who is extremely fond of oshiruko, claiming it is just as important to him as the air he breathes. He is adamant in his refusal to share with anyone. When Queen does not get his daily fill of oshiruko, he becomes easily irritable and even murderous. Queen's love for oshiruko is so immense, that he is willing to fight the Yonko Big Mom to prevent her from stealing his oshiruko.
Queen is not completely fearless as he was terrified after seeing the change in Big Mom once she regained her memory. After Big Mom abruptly fell asleep, Queen took extreme precautions to restrain the sleeping Yonko and escort her to Onigashima as quickly as possible. However, this caused him to overlook the fact that Luffy was free of his collar and of the threat he now represented to Udon. Though Queen can be afraid, he would hide his fear behind a brave face. During Kaido and Big Mom's fight on Onigashima, Queen told his subordinates not to cower only for them to accuse Queen of trying to come up with a reason to leave Onigashima. Queen has interjected the word "Excite" into his sentences. The Japanese word for his epithet, "Plague", is "Ekisai". The Viz translation retains the pun, with Queen saying phrases like "I'm plagued with excitement!". Like many other characters, Queen has his own way of laughing, "Muhahaha". While Queen acts extremely obnoxious toward his crewmates, his reputation is positively received amongst them in addition to his performances. In spite of that, Queen had faith that his subordinates could defeat Luffy despite the fact that Luffy had a higher bounty than Queen himself. Also, his crew has a sense of fear when Queen becomes angry especially when he did not get his oshiruko. Being an All-Star, Queen holds authority over the Beasts Pirates that is just below Kaido's. He also presides over the region of Udon in Wano Country where, chiefly, he superintends the prisoner mine; a task of him is coercing prisoners of notable strength into becoming subordinates to the Beasts Pirates. Additionally, Queen manages assassins in the crew's service, as Kyoshiro recommended contacting him when men of his family were attacked. With his incredibly high bounty of Beli1,320,000,000 as well as his rank, Queen is among the strongest fighters of the Beast Pirates, being considered an extreme threat by the World Government. He has a powerful will, remaining unfazed by Luffy's Haoshoku Haki. Queen is a highly skilled craftsman noted to have a particular interest in the creation of both Mechanical Weapons and viruses, having constructed his own prosthetic arm as well as "Excite Bullets", special ammunition contaminated with a highly infectious disease known as "Mummy". True to his epithet, Queen has immense knowledge in virology, having invented extremely infectious and deadly viruses which are contained in his creations, the Excite Bullets. The viruses are powerful enough to stop even Luffy who has never been sick in his life.
Queen is a very flamboyant man who likes to sing and dance. Being extremely dramatic, he tends to treat matters like he is in a show, as seen when he told Babanuki to make an official ranking of his issues. Due to his flair for drama, Queen is very expressive and exaggerated in showing his shock to bad news. He can be rather vain, as he proudly proclaimed his muscle and how he would be much more attractive if he was not voluntarily this large Like King, Queen is extremely rude and critical of his crewmates, as he was quick to deride his fellow All-Stars and call them names. He and King seem to have a mutual sense of disdain for Jack, as they are quick to gang up on him when in the same room. He also used derogatory language when addressing his subordinates in Prisoner Mine. Queen believes that the time it takes for a battle to conclude combined with the number of fighters is what determines the level of excitement in combat. To this end, Queen is fair to some extent, allowing Luffy to fight in the Great Sumo Inferno without being restricted by the Seastone cuffs. However, his execution games are nevertheless intended to be inescapable and unwinnable. He is also willing to add sadistic rules such as keeping Kid and Kamazo submerged in water until Luffy and Hyogoro die in the ring. According to Daifugo, Queen's hobbies are building weapons and viruses. Queen also has a fondness for beautiful women, as he was seen ogling a picture of Komurasaki, and he appears to frequent the Red-Light District for prostitutes. His subordinates believed that he would go berserk and take his anger out on them if he found out that Komurasaki was dead.Queen is a glutton who is extremely fond of oshiruko, claiming it is just as important to him as the air he breathes. He is adamant in his refusal to share with anyone. When Queen does not get his daily fill of oshiruko, he becomes easily irritable and even murderous. Queen's love for oshiruko is so immense, that he is willing to fight the Yonko Big Mom to prevent her from stealing his oshiruko.
Queen is not completely fearless as he was terrified after seeing the change in Big Mom once she regained her memory. After Big Mom abruptly fell asleep, Queen took extreme precautions to restrain the sleeping Yonko and escort her to Onigashima as quickly as possible. However, this caused him to overlook the fact that Luffy was free of his collar and of the threat he now represented to Udon. Though Queen can be afraid, he would hide his fear behind a brave face. During Kaido and Big Mom's fight on Onigashima, Queen told his subordinates not to cower only for them to accuse Queen of trying to come up with a reason to leave Onigashima. Queen has interjected the word "Excite" into his sentences. The Japanese word for his epithet, "Plague", is "Ekisai". The Viz translation retains the pun, with Queen saying phrases like "I'm plagued with excitement!". Like many other characters, Queen has his own way of laughing, "Muhahaha". While Queen acts extremely obnoxious toward his crewmates, his reputation is positively received amongst them in addition to his performances. In spite of that, Queen had faith that his subordinates could defeat Luffy despite the fact that Luffy had a higher bounty than Queen himself. Also, his crew has a sense of fear when Queen becomes angry especially when he did not get his oshiruko. Being an All-Star, Queen holds authority over the Beasts Pirates that is just below Kaido's. He also presides over the region of Udon in Wano Country where, chiefly, he superintends the prisoner mine; a task of him is coercing prisoners of notable strength into becoming subordinates to the Beasts Pirates. Additionally, Queen manages assassins in the crew's service, as Kyoshiro recommended contacting him when men of his family were attacked. With his incredibly high bounty of Beli1,320,000,000 as well as his rank, Queen is among the strongest fighters of the Beast Pirates, being considered an extreme threat by the World Government. He has a powerful will, remaining unfazed by Luffy's Haoshoku Haki. Queen is a highly skilled craftsman noted to have a particular interest in the creation of both Mechanical Weapons and viruses, having constructed his own prosthetic arm as well as "Excite Bullets", special ammunition contaminated with a highly infectious disease known as "Mummy". True to his epithet, Queen has immense knowledge in virology, having invented extremely infectious and deadly viruses which are contained in his creations, the Excite Bullets. The viruses are powerful enough to stop even Luffy who has never been sick in his life.
"Massacre Soldier" Killer is a pirate from the South Blue and a member of the Kid Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation" After the timeskip, his bounty has been raised from Beli162,000,000 to Beli200,000,000. Following the confrontation with Kaido, unknown events occurred, leading to Killer eating a defective SMILE and taking on the alias of Kamazo the Manslayer, a street murderer in Wano Country who secretly acted as an assassin working for the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, until the shogun discarded him after he failed his mission to kill Toko. Killer is a tall, muscular man. He has long wild blonde hair that reaches down to his thighs. He wears a plain, white and light-blue striped full-head helmet with many rows of holes in it, and what look like modern headphones on both sides. He also wears a black shirt with white polka-dots and an open collar that shows his chest, with blue riding chaps over his pants. Additionally, Killer has a red sash around his waist. He carries a pair of handguards which have very long detachable scythes connected to them. When not fighting, these scythes are placed in a large sheath tied to his right hip.
In an SBS Volume 64, Oda drew the Supernovas as children. Killer is shown as a kid with a wavy hair that covered his eyes with a plain t-shirt, pants and shoes, eating a plate of noodles. This makes a reference to SBS Volume 62, that Oda stated that Killer, as an adult, prefers to consume food that can pass through the holes of his mask, such as stick-shaped ones and ramen. After the timeskip, Killer is shown as more muscular and with a thicker neck. He has grown a goatee and is shown to have a prominent scar on his left arm. His hair is shorter, now only reaching down to his back. He has changed his attire after the two year timeskip to a blue t-shirt with his customized Jolly Roger on. Under the guise as Kamazo the Manslayer, Killer lost his mask and has bandages covering most of his face. His hair is kept bound, and he wears a dark kimono with sickle-shaped patterns placed on it irregularly, as well as an obi around his waist and a cape that both have target patterns on them. By the time of the Fire Festival, Killer regained his mask.
Like the rest of Kid's crew, Killer comes across as both mildly arrogant and level-headed; in the latter case, probably more so than their captain. Of course, this does not mean he is not as enticed toward violence as anybody else on the crew. He also remains fairly silent during combat, save for the slicing of his blades, and tends to focus on the elimination of his enemies. Killer is more knowledgeable than his captain in terms of historical facts, as shown when he informed Kid the meaning of the Ox Bell. After the timeskip, Killer has been shown to be much calmer than his captain, advising him to be polite when meeting with his fellow Supernovas, and was then able to prevent a fight between him and Scratchmen Apoo from escalating while reminding them of the purpose of their meeting. He also seems to be more reasonable than his captain, which is in contrast to his name, as he tried to reason things out rather than immediately trying to start a fight. After eating a faulty SMILE fruit, Killer lost the ability to express negative emotions and is now only able to smile and laugh. After taking on the alias Kamazo, he displays the traits of a violent man who takes pleasure in killing. If he encounters someone whom he has not been ordered to kill, he will give them the chance to get out of his way, but will kill anyone who stands between him and his target without issue. He is very confident in his abilities, constantly taunting his opponents and being sure that they will lose to him. As someone who worked for Orochi, "Kamazo" held the shogun in high regard and would get mad if anyone referred to the shogun in an impolite manner. Like many other people, he has a unique laughter style: "Faffaffaffa". According to Kid, Killer hates his own laugh to the point of stopping himself from doing so ever since. Moreover, he also hates people laughing at his laugh and is willing to kill them for it.
Killer is a fearsome pirate and combatant. His skills have earned him a bounty of Beli200,000,000 which is considered to be very impressive for a rookie, even within the Grand Line. Like his captain, he was able to resist Rayleigh's burst of Haki. Killer's style of fighting seems to rely mainly on agility and speed, which he uses to overpower his opponent before they can strike him, or to dodge attacks. He was capable of fighting head on with Urouge at Sabaody Archipelago and with Roronoa Zoro at Wano Country. After eating a failed SMILE, Killer lost his ability to swim. Killer is seen using a pair of scythe-bladed weapons attached to his armbands that are capable of spinning around or being used as hand scythes. These weapons can also be used to block other weapons, leaving the foe open for Killer to kick the enemy's flank or other exposed areas. This, combined with the agility he has so far displayed in combat and the notion that he is not afraid to kill, makes him a formidable foe. As Kamazo, Killer used two regular scythes but lost them after he was defeated by Zoro. Killer knew Eustass Kid since they were children. One day, they ate curry udon with their first love, Shiruton Doruyanaika. They laughed when she spilled curry broth all over herself while eating it, causing her to beat them up. This caused curry udon to become their least favorite food. According to Kid, Killer hated his own laugh so much that he beat up anyone who made fun of it. He eventually stopped laughing at all and started to wear a mask to hide his face. After a long voyage following one of the Log Pose routes of the Grand Line, Kid and his crew came to the Sabaody Archipelago to prepare themselves for the New World. Killer fight with Urouge was broken up by X Drake. He later rejoined with his captain at the Human Auctioning House, to observe the auction taking place. After interruptions caused by Monkey D. Luffy, Killer found himself fighting to escape alongside Trafalgar Law's and Luffy's crews, in the face of a daunting Marine attack. During the battle, Luffy remarked how he will be the one to find the great treasure One Piece, Kid responded to this statement by ceasing current fighting, and facing Luffy. After a brief recollection between the captains, on how their journey was met with laughter and dismissal at their crews' dreams, on their route along the Grand Line, the crew escaped together.
In an SBS Volume 64, Oda drew the Supernovas as children. Killer is shown as a kid with a wavy hair that covered his eyes with a plain t-shirt, pants and shoes, eating a plate of noodles. This makes a reference to SBS Volume 62, that Oda stated that Killer, as an adult, prefers to consume food that can pass through the holes of his mask, such as stick-shaped ones and ramen. After the timeskip, Killer is shown as more muscular and with a thicker neck. He has grown a goatee and is shown to have a prominent scar on his left arm. His hair is shorter, now only reaching down to his back. He has changed his attire after the two year timeskip to a blue t-shirt with his customized Jolly Roger on. Under the guise as Kamazo the Manslayer, Killer lost his mask and has bandages covering most of his face. His hair is kept bound, and he wears a dark kimono with sickle-shaped patterns placed on it irregularly, as well as an obi around his waist and a cape that both have target patterns on them. By the time of the Fire Festival, Killer regained his mask.
Like the rest of Kid's crew, Killer comes across as both mildly arrogant and level-headed; in the latter case, probably more so than their captain. Of course, this does not mean he is not as enticed toward violence as anybody else on the crew. He also remains fairly silent during combat, save for the slicing of his blades, and tends to focus on the elimination of his enemies. Killer is more knowledgeable than his captain in terms of historical facts, as shown when he informed Kid the meaning of the Ox Bell. After the timeskip, Killer has been shown to be much calmer than his captain, advising him to be polite when meeting with his fellow Supernovas, and was then able to prevent a fight between him and Scratchmen Apoo from escalating while reminding them of the purpose of their meeting. He also seems to be more reasonable than his captain, which is in contrast to his name, as he tried to reason things out rather than immediately trying to start a fight. After eating a faulty SMILE fruit, Killer lost the ability to express negative emotions and is now only able to smile and laugh. After taking on the alias Kamazo, he displays the traits of a violent man who takes pleasure in killing. If he encounters someone whom he has not been ordered to kill, he will give them the chance to get out of his way, but will kill anyone who stands between him and his target without issue. He is very confident in his abilities, constantly taunting his opponents and being sure that they will lose to him. As someone who worked for Orochi, "Kamazo" held the shogun in high regard and would get mad if anyone referred to the shogun in an impolite manner. Like many other people, he has a unique laughter style: "Faffaffaffa". According to Kid, Killer hates his own laugh to the point of stopping himself from doing so ever since. Moreover, he also hates people laughing at his laugh and is willing to kill them for it.
Killer is a fearsome pirate and combatant. His skills have earned him a bounty of Beli200,000,000 which is considered to be very impressive for a rookie, even within the Grand Line. Like his captain, he was able to resist Rayleigh's burst of Haki. Killer's style of fighting seems to rely mainly on agility and speed, which he uses to overpower his opponent before they can strike him, or to dodge attacks. He was capable of fighting head on with Urouge at Sabaody Archipelago and with Roronoa Zoro at Wano Country. After eating a failed SMILE, Killer lost his ability to swim. Killer is seen using a pair of scythe-bladed weapons attached to his armbands that are capable of spinning around or being used as hand scythes. These weapons can also be used to block other weapons, leaving the foe open for Killer to kick the enemy's flank or other exposed areas. This, combined with the agility he has so far displayed in combat and the notion that he is not afraid to kill, makes him a formidable foe. As Kamazo, Killer used two regular scythes but lost them after he was defeated by Zoro. Killer knew Eustass Kid since they were children. One day, they ate curry udon with their first love, Shiruton Doruyanaika. They laughed when she spilled curry broth all over herself while eating it, causing her to beat them up. This caused curry udon to become their least favorite food. According to Kid, Killer hated his own laugh so much that he beat up anyone who made fun of it. He eventually stopped laughing at all and started to wear a mask to hide his face. After a long voyage following one of the Log Pose routes of the Grand Line, Kid and his crew came to the Sabaody Archipelago to prepare themselves for the New World. Killer fight with Urouge was broken up by X Drake. He later rejoined with his captain at the Human Auctioning House, to observe the auction taking place. After interruptions caused by Monkey D. Luffy, Killer found himself fighting to escape alongside Trafalgar Law's and Luffy's crews, in the face of a daunting Marine attack. During the battle, Luffy remarked how he will be the one to find the great treasure One Piece, Kid responded to this statement by ceasing current fighting, and facing Luffy. After a brief recollection between the captains, on how their journey was met with laughter and dismissal at their crews' dreams, on their route along the Grand Line, the crew escaped together.
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He became one of the Shichibukai during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates and bringing down Donquixote Doflamingo. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece. During the timeskip, his bounty increased from Beli200,000,000 to Beli440,000,000, before it was frozen. After he was expelled from the Shichibukai, Law's bounty was raised to Beli500,000,000. He is one of the central allies of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Dressrosa and Yonko Sagas. He also acts as an ally of Luffy during the movie One Piece: Stampede. Law is a slim man of a relatively tall height. He has faint shadows right under his yellow eyes (grey in the anime), and his face is usually seen with a smirk. He wears a northern-style fur hat, which is white and has a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill. He has short dark hair, a majority of which is obscured by his hat, save for his sideburns and small goatee. His hair color is depicted as black in both the anime and manga, though sometimes the manga depicts it as blue. He has many tribal-style tattoos on his arms; on both of his hands are letters spelled as D E A T H tattooed in black on each of the back of his fingers. Originally in the manga, his left thumb was not tattooed, with the letter A missing. Later on, all of his fingers were tattooed complete with all five letters. He also has a black cross on the back of both of his hands. On his chest, he has a tribal-style heart tattoo with his Jolly Roger on it. He has simpler heart tattoo on his shoulders and his Jolly Roger tattooed on his back.
In his youth, after Law realized he was dying, he went to Doflamingo to join the future Shichibukai's crew, planning on causing as much devastation as possible to the world before dying. Doflamingo accepted Law, and while part of the Donquixote Pirates, he learnt swordsmanship from Diamante, marksmanship from Gladius and martial arts from Lao G, in Doflamingo's hope to find a cure for Law and raise him into being the third Corazon. Law is shown to have a strong will as he, along with most of his crew, proved resistant to Rayleigh's burst of Haoshoku Haki that took out almost everyone in the Auction House. This feat caused Rayleigh to comment on him being a fearsome pirate. He was also able to withstand the clash of Haoshoku Haki between Luffy and Doflamingo. Even Donquixote Doflamingo commented to his subordinates at Punk Hazard about Law's potential while comparing it to Luffy's, which Doflamingo witnessed himself during the war at Marineford two years ago. Doflamingo saw talent in Law and intended to make him into his right hand man. He reserved the Heart seat for Law, showing that the latter is considered on the same level as the elite officers of the Donquixote Family. Vergo was only able to keep ahead of Law because he had the latter's heart at the time, a situation that immediately reversed after Smoker (reluctantly) helped Law to retrieve the organ. He is also apparently quite fearless, as he allowed several Marines to get within close-range of him on Sabaody Archipelago, despite being a long-range fighter.
During their stay at Sabaody Archipelago, the Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates were caught in a battle with a Pacifista. The end of the battle was unseen, but since they reappear during the Marineford Arc, it can be assumed that they either defeated the Pacifista or managed to elude it. Kizaru mentioned that the Heart Pirates did a good job at running away. Sometime during the timeskip, Law has become so powerful and infamous that even the ruthless Marines of G-5 were deeply afraid of him. He had gained a bounty that surpassed Luffy's at the time, and brought a hundred pirates' hearts to the World Government, earning him a position in the Shichibukai. Law was able to battle and eventually defeat Smoker, a Marine vice admiral and a Logia user without getting himself seriously injured. He also defeated Vergo in one move while before, in the past, he was unable to even harm him. He is now strong enough to counter attacks from an Admiral and a fellow Shichibukai at the same time, like in his confrontation with Issho and Doflamingo. In addition to his Devil Fruit, Law underwent an extremely rigorous combat training regimen under the Donquixote Pirates as a child, attaining incredible superhuman physical prowess. While still a twelve year old boy, he was already strong enough to throw Rosinante, a very tall and large man, by grabbing him by the leg. Additionally, he has the physical power to block Doflamingo's extremely powerful Overheat string which shook the Thousand Sunny with just his sword. He easily wielded Kikoku, a sword as tall as himself with great speed, and is able to slice enemies faster than they can react as well as keep up with Doflamingo.
He has also displayed exceptionally great endurance, as he had his heart directly crushed to the point where he lost consciousness, only to recover shortly afterwards. In addition, he was also capable of enduring a prolonged brutal beating from Vergo which resulted in him becoming severely bloody before defeating him in a single blow once Smoker had retrieved his heart. Even as a child dying from from the incurable Amber Lead Syndrome, Law was able to keep up with the very harsh training regimen of the Donquixote Pirates of which even adults could not keep up with. Even when his disease reached a fatal stage, he could survive two ruthless beatings from Vergo. Even when he was defeated and injured by Donquixote Doflamingo and Admiral Fujitora, as well as pinned to the ground by Issho's Devil Fruit power, Law was able to quickly recover and escape. During his second confrontation with Doflamingo, Law was able to fight him and, even though he was still wounded from their first encounter as well as having his right arm severed while being brutally assaulted further, he was able to continue fighting and deal Doflamingo a severe wound with his Gamma Knife move. Also, even though Law was incapacitated by Trebol, he was still able to use his Devil Fruit Power to control his severed arm as well as defeat the officer. Law also has formidable skills in martial arts, having been trained in this aspect by Lao G. In the anime, Law was able to hold his own against Luffy, an extremely powerful fighter in a fist fight, when Breed forced Luffy to fight Law through the Peto Peto no Mi. With Busoshoku Haki, Law could block against Doflamingo's Goshikito with his arms crossed in a defensive stance. Even at age 13, Law could defeat both Penguin and Shachi, who were bullying Bepo, a mink who is a natural born fighter, impressing them to the point they swore loyalty to him. Since childhood, Law was already well versed in medicine, having attended an academy for medical science, while his father, the best doctor of Flevance, personally taught him the more intricate procedures. Even after he joined the Donquixote Pirates, he still retained a profound understanding of medical science, as he was able to use the Ope Ope no Mi to remove all traces of the Amber Lead inside his dying body. This was noteworthy as he was able to find a cure for the poisoning that was said to be incurable and live past the age he was supposed to die at. His medical aptitude was what led Donquixote Rosinante to conclude that Law was most compatible with the fruit, which prompted him to secure the Ope Ope for Law after he received information from both his brother and Sengoku of the fruit's present whereabouts at the time. Law ate the Ope Ope no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can "operate" on anything within the spherical "operating room". Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers, Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls. He can also use it for teleportation purposes. He has also demonstrated being able to apply his ability for medical purposes, as seen when he cured the giant children from their addiction brought by Caesar's drugs. Law appears to have mastered his power to such a great extent, that he can even cut through someone who completely imbued their body in Busoshoku Haki.
In his youth, after Law realized he was dying, he went to Doflamingo to join the future Shichibukai's crew, planning on causing as much devastation as possible to the world before dying. Doflamingo accepted Law, and while part of the Donquixote Pirates, he learnt swordsmanship from Diamante, marksmanship from Gladius and martial arts from Lao G, in Doflamingo's hope to find a cure for Law and raise him into being the third Corazon. Law is shown to have a strong will as he, along with most of his crew, proved resistant to Rayleigh's burst of Haoshoku Haki that took out almost everyone in the Auction House. This feat caused Rayleigh to comment on him being a fearsome pirate. He was also able to withstand the clash of Haoshoku Haki between Luffy and Doflamingo. Even Donquixote Doflamingo commented to his subordinates at Punk Hazard about Law's potential while comparing it to Luffy's, which Doflamingo witnessed himself during the war at Marineford two years ago. Doflamingo saw talent in Law and intended to make him into his right hand man. He reserved the Heart seat for Law, showing that the latter is considered on the same level as the elite officers of the Donquixote Family. Vergo was only able to keep ahead of Law because he had the latter's heart at the time, a situation that immediately reversed after Smoker (reluctantly) helped Law to retrieve the organ. He is also apparently quite fearless, as he allowed several Marines to get within close-range of him on Sabaody Archipelago, despite being a long-range fighter.
During their stay at Sabaody Archipelago, the Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates were caught in a battle with a Pacifista. The end of the battle was unseen, but since they reappear during the Marineford Arc, it can be assumed that they either defeated the Pacifista or managed to elude it. Kizaru mentioned that the Heart Pirates did a good job at running away. Sometime during the timeskip, Law has become so powerful and infamous that even the ruthless Marines of G-5 were deeply afraid of him. He had gained a bounty that surpassed Luffy's at the time, and brought a hundred pirates' hearts to the World Government, earning him a position in the Shichibukai. Law was able to battle and eventually defeat Smoker, a Marine vice admiral and a Logia user without getting himself seriously injured. He also defeated Vergo in one move while before, in the past, he was unable to even harm him. He is now strong enough to counter attacks from an Admiral and a fellow Shichibukai at the same time, like in his confrontation with Issho and Doflamingo. In addition to his Devil Fruit, Law underwent an extremely rigorous combat training regimen under the Donquixote Pirates as a child, attaining incredible superhuman physical prowess. While still a twelve year old boy, he was already strong enough to throw Rosinante, a very tall and large man, by grabbing him by the leg. Additionally, he has the physical power to block Doflamingo's extremely powerful Overheat string which shook the Thousand Sunny with just his sword. He easily wielded Kikoku, a sword as tall as himself with great speed, and is able to slice enemies faster than they can react as well as keep up with Doflamingo.
He has also displayed exceptionally great endurance, as he had his heart directly crushed to the point where he lost consciousness, only to recover shortly afterwards. In addition, he was also capable of enduring a prolonged brutal beating from Vergo which resulted in him becoming severely bloody before defeating him in a single blow once Smoker had retrieved his heart. Even as a child dying from from the incurable Amber Lead Syndrome, Law was able to keep up with the very harsh training regimen of the Donquixote Pirates of which even adults could not keep up with. Even when his disease reached a fatal stage, he could survive two ruthless beatings from Vergo. Even when he was defeated and injured by Donquixote Doflamingo and Admiral Fujitora, as well as pinned to the ground by Issho's Devil Fruit power, Law was able to quickly recover and escape. During his second confrontation with Doflamingo, Law was able to fight him and, even though he was still wounded from their first encounter as well as having his right arm severed while being brutally assaulted further, he was able to continue fighting and deal Doflamingo a severe wound with his Gamma Knife move. Also, even though Law was incapacitated by Trebol, he was still able to use his Devil Fruit Power to control his severed arm as well as defeat the officer. Law also has formidable skills in martial arts, having been trained in this aspect by Lao G. In the anime, Law was able to hold his own against Luffy, an extremely powerful fighter in a fist fight, when Breed forced Luffy to fight Law through the Peto Peto no Mi. With Busoshoku Haki, Law could block against Doflamingo's Goshikito with his arms crossed in a defensive stance. Even at age 13, Law could defeat both Penguin and Shachi, who were bullying Bepo, a mink who is a natural born fighter, impressing them to the point they swore loyalty to him. Since childhood, Law was already well versed in medicine, having attended an academy for medical science, while his father, the best doctor of Flevance, personally taught him the more intricate procedures. Even after he joined the Donquixote Pirates, he still retained a profound understanding of medical science, as he was able to use the Ope Ope no Mi to remove all traces of the Amber Lead inside his dying body. This was noteworthy as he was able to find a cure for the poisoning that was said to be incurable and live past the age he was supposed to die at. His medical aptitude was what led Donquixote Rosinante to conclude that Law was most compatible with the fruit, which prompted him to secure the Ope Ope for Law after he received information from both his brother and Sengoku of the fruit's present whereabouts at the time. Law ate the Ope Ope no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can "operate" on anything within the spherical "operating room". Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers, Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls. He can also use it for teleportation purposes. He has also demonstrated being able to apply his ability for medical purposes, as seen when he cured the giant children from their addiction brought by Caesar's drugs. Law appears to have mastered his power to such a great extent, that he can even cut through someone who completely imbued their body in Busoshoku Haki.
"Knight of the Sea" Jinbe is the helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, being the tenth member of the crew and the ninth to join. He is a whale shark fish-man who served as the second captain of the Sun Pirates after Fisher Tiger, and a former Shichibukai from 11 years ago until the Battle of Marineford two years ago. His dream is to fulfill his former captain Fisher Tiger's dying wish of coexistence and equality between humans and fish-men, and he continues to live his life in the hopes of seeing that dream's completion. His name was first mentioned by Yosaku in the Arlong Park Arc when he was explaining about the Shichibukai, but he was not formally introduced until the Impel Down Arc. He renounced his Shichibukai title at the Battle of Marineford, allying himself with the Whitebeard Pirates. After Whitebeard's death, his crew formed an alliance with Big Mom to protect Fish-Man Island. He befriended Monkey D. Luffy during the Battle of Marineford, and later allied with him and his to prevent the New Fish-Man Pirates' coup d'état against the Neptune Royal Family and the Ryugu Kingdom. Luffy invited him to join the Straw Hats, but Jinbe held it off until he had severed ties with Big Mom. He would later do so during the Whole Cake Island Arc and officially become a Straw Hat member. After staying behind in Totto Land to protect his previous crew from Big Mom's wrath, Jinbe would return to the Straw Hat Pirates during the Wano Country Arc. Jinbe's first bounty was Beli76,000,000. Eventually, his bounty raised to Beli250,000,000. After he resigned from the Shichibukai, his bounty increased to Beli438,000,000. He also is the central character from Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea Cover Page Serial. Jinbe is a large blue whale shark fish-man and the current tallest member of the Straw Hat Pirates. He has a stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler and a face that is commonly associated with various Japanese demons such as the oni. His yellow eyebrows and sideburns are distinctly shaped like those found on such demons, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards. He has a lightning-shaped scar that can be seen from his left sideburn and reaching over his left eye which he obtained sometime between Otohime's assassination and meeting Ace. He also possesses two tusk-like conical lower fangs associated with Oni as well; the rest of his teeth from the upper and lower rows are pretty much the same, albeit much smaller. He also has a severe underbite, which makes room for his huge fangs.
He has long, two-toned black hair, with two long stripes, colored gold in the manga and white in the anime, coming from the roots over his forehead and trailing down the back, a topknot, and tuft of hair on his chin with a slight green hue. This topknot did not exist during his time as a member of the Sun Pirates, instead his shorter and flowing black hair trails off half way to a light color concentrated at the back of his head. He kept his chin clean-shaven before joining the Sun Pirates, after which it gradually grew out over time. His hands and feet are also webbed, typical for a fish-man, and his limbs that are somewhat thin in comparison with his enormous girth. His gills (which are pale and pinkish in color) are in between his shoulders and neck. Under his pale red coat (which he swaps for a black one two years later), he appears to be wearing a Coral colored traditional Japanese clothing covered all over with black and white square-shaped patterns with the black and white layers alternating each other (beginning with the black outline from the edge) and ending with a dark square at the middle of each and every one of them. He also ties this attire up with a purple obi like a ribbon around his waist. As the second captain of the Sun Pirates, Jinbe is an extremely powerful pirate as a former Shichibukai, with high authority and respect over his subordinates. It is stated that Jinbe was able to battle Portgas D. Ace on equal terms, despite Ace possessing Logia powers. They both nearly killed each other in a five-day long fight just before Ace was taken in by Whitebeard, and in Impel Down, he and Ace shared a cell on Level 6. His power and influence are so great that him departing from a Yonko's organization would severely diminish their crew's overall strength. Jinbe boasts considerable interpersonal skills, which he exercises to maintain Fish-Man Island's connections to human organizations. He served as a Shichibukai to improve relations with the World Government, and served under Big Mom after leaving the Shichibukai, being entrusted by Neptune to run errands to her. He was able to quickly convince Monkey D. Luffy, Capone Bege, and Caesar Clown to put aside their hostility with each other and form an alliance due to their mutual hatred towards Big Mom. Jinbe also has a very acute sense of danger, as he refused to spin Big Mom's roulette after sensing murderous malice from the roulette; it is later confirmed by Pedro and Brûlée that the roulette had been rigged to ensure death to anyone who spun it. Jinbe possesses immense willpower, being able to completely suppress any emotions of fear, which renders him immune to Big Mom's ability to take away a person's lifespan. This was shown again as when he stayed conscious from Big Mom's burst of Haoshoku Haki. Even for a fish-man, Jinbe possesses tremendous strength. He is the most powerful fish-man seen thus far, shown when he threw away a giant fish-man with just one kick and defeated a super rookie with one punch. He also appears to be extremely swift, even on dry land, despite his large size. He could intercept an enraged Luffy (in Gear Second mode) and prevent him from further assaulting Blackbeard, and later Akainu, when the latter was about to deal a second life-crippling blow upon the already-injured Ace (who was being held by Luffy) in the latter's last moments. In the anime, when struck by Arlong in the face, he wasn't fazed and easily defeated Arlong not long after fighting. While rescuing Brook from Big Mom, Jinbe was able to swiftly grab Nami and Brook and escape from Prometheus's explosion in an instant.
Jinbe has a massive tolerance for pain: not only was he one of the few people to be able to take a "baptizing" in boiling water in Impel Down without flinching (which is considered an impressive feat), he could also block a direct magma punch from Akainu with his bare hand, unperturbed despite being badly burned, and took a direct hit from Akainu's magma enhanced punch, which brutally pierced his body completely, and his only reaction was to apologize to Luffy for allowing him further pain and was able to survive long enough for Law to operate on him. Oddly enough, he exclaimed in pain when bitten by Luffy, though this is most likely due to the fact that he was prepared for Akainu's attack, but was caught off guard from Luffy's bite, and that it was more out of irritation than actual damage. Jinbe even withstood a sword attack from Big Mom on the Thousand Sunny that sent him crashing into the ocean and emerged almost unscathed. As a fish-man, Jinbe's physical capabilities greatly increase when he is at sea. While swimming, Jinbe lifted one of Impel Down's massive entrance doors with little effort and used it as a raft to provide passage over the sea for Crocodile, Mr. 1, and Buggy with himself acting as the raft's propeller underneath. He is an excellent swimmer, as not only did he manage to pursue the fleeing battleships, but he also outmaneuvered the incoming cannonballs fired at them by the Marines with relative ease, all the while bypassing the Sea Kings that infested the surrounding waters of the Calm Belt.
Jinbe is an exceptionally powerful master of Fish-Man Karate, which he can use to knock away many opponents at once and defeat extremely strong enemies. He was a child prodigy, being skilled enough that he became a black belt while he was still a child. By adulthood, Jinbe's skill in Fish-Man Karate has become so immense that his strikes do not even need to make physical contact with an enemy as the water particles in the air will blow them away after a few seconds of time from the attack's initiation. Another example of his strength and Fish-Man Karate level is that he defeated Minorhinoceros, one of the four Jailer Beasts who are Awakened Zoan Devil Fruit users, with a single uppercut. He was able to easily punch Gecko Moria (a fellow Shichibukai) a few meters away, almost knocking him out. He also knocked out Charlotte Opera, an enormous man larger than himself in one punch. He also displays the ability to skillfully manipulate water as if it were a tangible cloth through Fish-Man Karate, even using it to attack from a distance. He can cause devastating damage with this kind of technique, to both people and ships. Jinbe later reveals that Fish-Man Karate allows him to control all the water within his vicinity including the water in a person's body. Jinbe demonstrated this ability by splashing seawater on Moria's zombies even though he was standing on a battlefield covered in solid ice. With this ability, he is able to harm Luffy despite him being rubber. He is also able to secrete water from his body like Hody did after overdosing on Energy Steroids.
He has long, two-toned black hair, with two long stripes, colored gold in the manga and white in the anime, coming from the roots over his forehead and trailing down the back, a topknot, and tuft of hair on his chin with a slight green hue. This topknot did not exist during his time as a member of the Sun Pirates, instead his shorter and flowing black hair trails off half way to a light color concentrated at the back of his head. He kept his chin clean-shaven before joining the Sun Pirates, after which it gradually grew out over time. His hands and feet are also webbed, typical for a fish-man, and his limbs that are somewhat thin in comparison with his enormous girth. His gills (which are pale and pinkish in color) are in between his shoulders and neck. Under his pale red coat (which he swaps for a black one two years later), he appears to be wearing a Coral colored traditional Japanese clothing covered all over with black and white square-shaped patterns with the black and white layers alternating each other (beginning with the black outline from the edge) and ending with a dark square at the middle of each and every one of them. He also ties this attire up with a purple obi like a ribbon around his waist. As the second captain of the Sun Pirates, Jinbe is an extremely powerful pirate as a former Shichibukai, with high authority and respect over his subordinates. It is stated that Jinbe was able to battle Portgas D. Ace on equal terms, despite Ace possessing Logia powers. They both nearly killed each other in a five-day long fight just before Ace was taken in by Whitebeard, and in Impel Down, he and Ace shared a cell on Level 6. His power and influence are so great that him departing from a Yonko's organization would severely diminish their crew's overall strength. Jinbe boasts considerable interpersonal skills, which he exercises to maintain Fish-Man Island's connections to human organizations. He served as a Shichibukai to improve relations with the World Government, and served under Big Mom after leaving the Shichibukai, being entrusted by Neptune to run errands to her. He was able to quickly convince Monkey D. Luffy, Capone Bege, and Caesar Clown to put aside their hostility with each other and form an alliance due to their mutual hatred towards Big Mom. Jinbe also has a very acute sense of danger, as he refused to spin Big Mom's roulette after sensing murderous malice from the roulette; it is later confirmed by Pedro and Brûlée that the roulette had been rigged to ensure death to anyone who spun it. Jinbe possesses immense willpower, being able to completely suppress any emotions of fear, which renders him immune to Big Mom's ability to take away a person's lifespan. This was shown again as when he stayed conscious from Big Mom's burst of Haoshoku Haki. Even for a fish-man, Jinbe possesses tremendous strength. He is the most powerful fish-man seen thus far, shown when he threw away a giant fish-man with just one kick and defeated a super rookie with one punch. He also appears to be extremely swift, even on dry land, despite his large size. He could intercept an enraged Luffy (in Gear Second mode) and prevent him from further assaulting Blackbeard, and later Akainu, when the latter was about to deal a second life-crippling blow upon the already-injured Ace (who was being held by Luffy) in the latter's last moments. In the anime, when struck by Arlong in the face, he wasn't fazed and easily defeated Arlong not long after fighting. While rescuing Brook from Big Mom, Jinbe was able to swiftly grab Nami and Brook and escape from Prometheus's explosion in an instant.
Jinbe has a massive tolerance for pain: not only was he one of the few people to be able to take a "baptizing" in boiling water in Impel Down without flinching (which is considered an impressive feat), he could also block a direct magma punch from Akainu with his bare hand, unperturbed despite being badly burned, and took a direct hit from Akainu's magma enhanced punch, which brutally pierced his body completely, and his only reaction was to apologize to Luffy for allowing him further pain and was able to survive long enough for Law to operate on him. Oddly enough, he exclaimed in pain when bitten by Luffy, though this is most likely due to the fact that he was prepared for Akainu's attack, but was caught off guard from Luffy's bite, and that it was more out of irritation than actual damage. Jinbe even withstood a sword attack from Big Mom on the Thousand Sunny that sent him crashing into the ocean and emerged almost unscathed. As a fish-man, Jinbe's physical capabilities greatly increase when he is at sea. While swimming, Jinbe lifted one of Impel Down's massive entrance doors with little effort and used it as a raft to provide passage over the sea for Crocodile, Mr. 1, and Buggy with himself acting as the raft's propeller underneath. He is an excellent swimmer, as not only did he manage to pursue the fleeing battleships, but he also outmaneuvered the incoming cannonballs fired at them by the Marines with relative ease, all the while bypassing the Sea Kings that infested the surrounding waters of the Calm Belt.
Jinbe is an exceptionally powerful master of Fish-Man Karate, which he can use to knock away many opponents at once and defeat extremely strong enemies. He was a child prodigy, being skilled enough that he became a black belt while he was still a child. By adulthood, Jinbe's skill in Fish-Man Karate has become so immense that his strikes do not even need to make physical contact with an enemy as the water particles in the air will blow them away after a few seconds of time from the attack's initiation. Another example of his strength and Fish-Man Karate level is that he defeated Minorhinoceros, one of the four Jailer Beasts who are Awakened Zoan Devil Fruit users, with a single uppercut. He was able to easily punch Gecko Moria (a fellow Shichibukai) a few meters away, almost knocking him out. He also knocked out Charlotte Opera, an enormous man larger than himself in one punch. He also displays the ability to skillfully manipulate water as if it were a tangible cloth through Fish-Man Karate, even using it to attack from a distance. He can cause devastating damage with this kind of technique, to both people and ships. Jinbe later reveals that Fish-Man Karate allows him to control all the water within his vicinity including the water in a person's body. Jinbe demonstrated this ability by splashing seawater on Moria's zombies even though he was standing on a battlefield covered in solid ice. With this ability, he is able to harm Luffy despite him being rubber. He is also able to secrete water from his body like Hody did after overdosing on Energy Steroids.
Charlotte Linlin
Charlotte Linlin, better known as Big Mom, is the captain of the Big Mom Pirates, as well as one of the Yonko that rule over the New World. and the only female member of the group. Decades ago before the formation of her own crew, Big Mom was part of the legendary Rocks Pirates. She is the matriarch of the very large Charlotte Family, which makes up the infrastructure of her crew. She also rules over Totto Land as its queen, seeking to form it into a utopia where all the world's races can live together in peace without experiencing discrimination or segregation. She and her crew have recently entered an alliance with fellow Yonko Kaido and his crew, the Beasts Pirates. She was the last Yonko to be named; her epithet was first mentioned after the Battle of Marineford by Eustass Kid and her real name by Pappag on Fish-Man Island. Due to her actions, role and intentions, she is the primary antagonist of the Whole Cake Island Arc, the tertiary antagonist of the Wano Country Arc, and one of the central antagonists of the Yonko Saga. Big Mom is a round, obese old woman with a chin often hidden by her torso. She has an enormous physique, standing at 880 centimeters or just shy of 29 feet tall, which is the largest known height for any human. She is taller than the extremely large Whitebeard, and was able to hold the 277cm tall Brook in her hand. Even as a five-year old child, Linlin was already massive to the point she was mistaken for a giant, and was as tall as giant children.
However, as an adult, she is a little over three meters short of the minimum giant height of 12 meters. She has moderately round, orange eyes, prominent eyelashes, and wears thick purple eyeshadow. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick, large, round teeth, and a long, thick tongue that often sticks out. She also has long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls halfway down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks. She also sports a tattoo on her left shoulder and arm, consisting of a large, standard-shaped red heart framed by thin lines curled at their bottom ends, which all tops a far smaller heart. When she was five years old, Linlin towered over normal humans and was about the same size as a giant child. She had a much rounder face and had freckles on her cheeks, her hair was kept into two buns on both sides of her head. Her nose was more triangular compared to present-day where it now protrudes outward in a rounded, beak-like shape. She wore a polka-dotted dress very similar to the one she currently wears, but with this one reaching her neck and having a bow at the top. At the start of her pirating career, Linlin's hair grew longer and she donned a dark sunhat. At 28 years old, Linlin looked drastically different compared to both her early childhood days and her later years. She was remarkably slimmer and had a visible neck, chin, and jawline, and her features were significantly smaller and more proportionate to her face. Her hair was long, yet considerably less wild than in the present day, and she had a large strand of hair falling to the left side of her face. In Oda's depiction of her at this time, she wore a dark fedora with a polka dot pattern, a bandana, and a dark, polka dotted top with a captain's coat draped over her shoulders. She had a similar appearance (although shadowed) during her time in the Rocks Pirates. As one of the Yonko, Big Mom is one of the four most powerful pirates in the world. As the only female member, this effectively makes Big Mom the single most powerful female pirate in the world.
The Five Elders have stated that she is one of the few people capable of stopping Blackbeard. When her fellow Yonko Kaido, known as the strongest creature in the world, threatened to kill her if she came to his territory, Big Mom simply invited him to try and said he would not be able to dissuade her. Even the Straw Hat Pirates recognize that she could crush them quickly and easily if they fought her recklessly. Through her strength as one of the most powerful pirates, Big Mom has managed to amass a very powerful crew, as well as several strong subordinates such as Jinbe, a fish-man and former Shichibukai, and Capone Bege, one of the members of the Worst Generation. She possesses considerable influence within the Underworld as well, having connections to the Vinsmoke Family, which leads the legendary Germa 66. Those who marry her children automatically become part of her crew. Big Mom has immense superhuman physical strength, demonstrated by her ability to climb tall buildings despite her massive size, throw punches with tremendous destructive power, and hurl Prometheus with extreme force using only a single arm. When she was just five years old, she was strong enough to kill a large bear instantly with a single smack, merely intending to scold the animal, as well as break several of a giant's bones by trying to slap a mosquito on their back. When suffering from her cravings, she could destroy a village in Elbaf and defeat several armed giants without a single scratch, being described by Jorul as an "evil god in the form of a child". She was strong enough to not only break Jorul's sword with her fist when he tried to attack her, but also grab the giant's beard, flip him over her shoulder, and smash him into the ground with enough force to mortally wound him. Carmel believed she had the potential to become an Admiral or Fleet Admiral of the Marines. Big Mom has acquired the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi after the death of its previous owner, Carmel, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest the soul of whomever she touches into an ethereal substance. She can grab hold of this substance and extract it from the victim, taking away their lifespan by an amount of her choice and absorbing it into herself. If taken at a sufficient number, it will kill the victim. However, this ability has no effect on anyone who does not fear her or death, as Big Mom was unable to take away Jinbe's lifespan because he showed no fear.
She can put harvested souls into non-living things in order to give them life or into animals in order to give them human abilities. Those creatures are named Homies. This makes her power similar to the Kage Kage no Mi. However, unlike the user of the Kage Kage no Mi, she cannot put souls into dead corpses or the body of another human. She can also create incarnations of her own soul that will complete the task of collecting souls. With her Devil Fruit powers, Big Mom used fragments of her own soul to create three special Homies that are far more powerful than ones created with other people's souls: Zeus, a thundercloud she summons with her left hand; Prometheus, a sun she summons with her right hand; and Napoleon, a bicorne she wears on her head. Zeus and Prometheus allow Big Mom to unleash extremely powerful flames and lightning bolts, and can also combine their powers to manipulate the weather and create massive storms as a manifestation of Big Mom's unstoppable rage. She can also ride Zeus to fly at high speeds. Napoleon can relay information received from other homies to Big Mom, and it also contains a retractable blade that it can use to both attack on its own and for Big Mom to wield in combat. However, during the events of the Whole Cake Island Arc, Zeus was captured by Nami and turned into her servant, denying Big Mom access to one of her three most powerful weapons. Big Mom possesses Haoshoku Haki. She was first seen using it at Sanji and Pudding's wedding to knock a man out for questioning her relationship with Mother Carmel. When her portrait of Carmel was destroyed, a distraught Big Mom unleashed her Haki, which, along with her loud screams, incapacitated most of the party guests. When she clashed with Kaido, the clash caused shockwaves and split the sky. Big Mom has vast mastery of Busoshoku Haki. By hardening her arm, she easily blocked Luffy's Gear Fourth Kong Gun with just one arm, a tremendous feat as Luffy's Kong Gun is powerful enough to break through powerful Haki based defenses of highly skilled Busoshoku Haki users such as Doflamingo, Cracker, and Katakuri. Like Luffy's Gear Fourth, her Busoshoku sports flame marks at its ending. Big Mom possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.Big Mom also has the ability to emit an extremely loud shriek when psychologically destabilized. Her scream is powerful enough to destroy nearby buildings and completely incapacitate those around her, causing them to either faint or cover their ears in pain, even individuals as powerful as Luffy or Sweet Commanders Smoothie and Katakuri. The Vinsmoke siblings, who were genetically enhanced to have superhuman fortitude, were also shaken by her scream until they were given earplugs. The sheer pressure from her scream, along with her Haoshoku Haki, can destroy incoming projectiles before they reach her body, providing a form of defense in lieu of her usual bodily toughness.
However, as an adult, she is a little over three meters short of the minimum giant height of 12 meters. She has moderately round, orange eyes, prominent eyelashes, and wears thick purple eyeshadow. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick, large, round teeth, and a long, thick tongue that often sticks out. She also has long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls halfway down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks. She also sports a tattoo on her left shoulder and arm, consisting of a large, standard-shaped red heart framed by thin lines curled at their bottom ends, which all tops a far smaller heart. When she was five years old, Linlin towered over normal humans and was about the same size as a giant child. She had a much rounder face and had freckles on her cheeks, her hair was kept into two buns on both sides of her head. Her nose was more triangular compared to present-day where it now protrudes outward in a rounded, beak-like shape. She wore a polka-dotted dress very similar to the one she currently wears, but with this one reaching her neck and having a bow at the top. At the start of her pirating career, Linlin's hair grew longer and she donned a dark sunhat. At 28 years old, Linlin looked drastically different compared to both her early childhood days and her later years. She was remarkably slimmer and had a visible neck, chin, and jawline, and her features were significantly smaller and more proportionate to her face. Her hair was long, yet considerably less wild than in the present day, and she had a large strand of hair falling to the left side of her face. In Oda's depiction of her at this time, she wore a dark fedora with a polka dot pattern, a bandana, and a dark, polka dotted top with a captain's coat draped over her shoulders. She had a similar appearance (although shadowed) during her time in the Rocks Pirates. As one of the Yonko, Big Mom is one of the four most powerful pirates in the world. As the only female member, this effectively makes Big Mom the single most powerful female pirate in the world.
The Five Elders have stated that she is one of the few people capable of stopping Blackbeard. When her fellow Yonko Kaido, known as the strongest creature in the world, threatened to kill her if she came to his territory, Big Mom simply invited him to try and said he would not be able to dissuade her. Even the Straw Hat Pirates recognize that she could crush them quickly and easily if they fought her recklessly. Through her strength as one of the most powerful pirates, Big Mom has managed to amass a very powerful crew, as well as several strong subordinates such as Jinbe, a fish-man and former Shichibukai, and Capone Bege, one of the members of the Worst Generation. She possesses considerable influence within the Underworld as well, having connections to the Vinsmoke Family, which leads the legendary Germa 66. Those who marry her children automatically become part of her crew. Big Mom has immense superhuman physical strength, demonstrated by her ability to climb tall buildings despite her massive size, throw punches with tremendous destructive power, and hurl Prometheus with extreme force using only a single arm. When she was just five years old, she was strong enough to kill a large bear instantly with a single smack, merely intending to scold the animal, as well as break several of a giant's bones by trying to slap a mosquito on their back. When suffering from her cravings, she could destroy a village in Elbaf and defeat several armed giants without a single scratch, being described by Jorul as an "evil god in the form of a child". She was strong enough to not only break Jorul's sword with her fist when he tried to attack her, but also grab the giant's beard, flip him over her shoulder, and smash him into the ground with enough force to mortally wound him. Carmel believed she had the potential to become an Admiral or Fleet Admiral of the Marines. Big Mom has acquired the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi after the death of its previous owner, Carmel, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest the soul of whomever she touches into an ethereal substance. She can grab hold of this substance and extract it from the victim, taking away their lifespan by an amount of her choice and absorbing it into herself. If taken at a sufficient number, it will kill the victim. However, this ability has no effect on anyone who does not fear her or death, as Big Mom was unable to take away Jinbe's lifespan because he showed no fear.
She can put harvested souls into non-living things in order to give them life or into animals in order to give them human abilities. Those creatures are named Homies. This makes her power similar to the Kage Kage no Mi. However, unlike the user of the Kage Kage no Mi, she cannot put souls into dead corpses or the body of another human. She can also create incarnations of her own soul that will complete the task of collecting souls. With her Devil Fruit powers, Big Mom used fragments of her own soul to create three special Homies that are far more powerful than ones created with other people's souls: Zeus, a thundercloud she summons with her left hand; Prometheus, a sun she summons with her right hand; and Napoleon, a bicorne she wears on her head. Zeus and Prometheus allow Big Mom to unleash extremely powerful flames and lightning bolts, and can also combine their powers to manipulate the weather and create massive storms as a manifestation of Big Mom's unstoppable rage. She can also ride Zeus to fly at high speeds. Napoleon can relay information received from other homies to Big Mom, and it also contains a retractable blade that it can use to both attack on its own and for Big Mom to wield in combat. However, during the events of the Whole Cake Island Arc, Zeus was captured by Nami and turned into her servant, denying Big Mom access to one of her three most powerful weapons. Big Mom possesses Haoshoku Haki. She was first seen using it at Sanji and Pudding's wedding to knock a man out for questioning her relationship with Mother Carmel. When her portrait of Carmel was destroyed, a distraught Big Mom unleashed her Haki, which, along with her loud screams, incapacitated most of the party guests. When she clashed with Kaido, the clash caused shockwaves and split the sky. Big Mom has vast mastery of Busoshoku Haki. By hardening her arm, she easily blocked Luffy's Gear Fourth Kong Gun with just one arm, a tremendous feat as Luffy's Kong Gun is powerful enough to break through powerful Haki based defenses of highly skilled Busoshoku Haki users such as Doflamingo, Cracker, and Katakuri. Like Luffy's Gear Fourth, her Busoshoku sports flame marks at its ending. Big Mom possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.Big Mom also has the ability to emit an extremely loud shriek when psychologically destabilized. Her scream is powerful enough to destroy nearby buildings and completely incapacitate those around her, causing them to either faint or cover their ears in pain, even individuals as powerful as Luffy or Sweet Commanders Smoothie and Katakuri. The Vinsmoke siblings, who were genetically enhanced to have superhuman fortitude, were also shaken by her scream until they were given earplugs. The sheer pressure from her scream, along with her Haoshoku Haki, can destroy incoming projectiles before they reach her body, providing a form of defense in lieu of her usual bodily toughness.
Kaido of the Beasts, also known as the "Strongest Creature in the World", is the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Yonko ruling over the New World. He and his crew currently occupy Wano Country in alliance with its shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, and most recently have entered into another alliance with fellow Yonko Big Mom and her crew, the Big Mom Pirates. Decades ago before the formation of his own crew, Kaido was part of the legendary Rocks Pirates as an apprentice. Kaido was first referred to by Monkey D. Garp in the Post-Enies Lobby Arc and then directly mentioned by Gecko Moria in the Thriller Bark Arc, with his Yonko title revealed just after the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Moria. Thus, Kaido is the third Yonko mentioned by name and the last one to debut. Due to his actions and role, he is the primary antagonist of the Wano Country Arc and one of the central antagonists of the Yonko Saga. Kaido is a tanned, seemingly middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due in equal measures to his extreme height (somewhat comparable to Big Mom's 8.8 m) and muscle bulk, making him easily dwarf normal humans. Overly top-heavy in build, he has an extremely broad, well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders attaching to strong, thick arms, and legs that are somewhat out of proportion; far less heavily built than his arms yet about the same length (with his feet much tinier than his hands).
Kaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well (smaller than his hands), and has a massive pair of gray, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward. He has a longish face with a heavy brow (its ridge hairless) that tops sharp, often bloodshot eyes (parent to small, yellowish irises), plus a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth. Kaido is near-always seen wearing a frown, and has moderate wrinkles: lines upon the brow, crow's and tear-trough lines around the eyes, and laugh lines from always sneering. His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane, forming distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over the ears, or jutting upward. His facial hair is neat, done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his broad chin. Right of his defined abs is his only scar: a massive, recessed X-shape whose upper points reach to his pectoral. It was given to him by Kozuki Oden using his swords. A tattoo of dim-reddish segments resembling reptilian scales, individually bordered in orange, goes from his left pectoral down the front of his left arm, ending in correspondence to the wrist with a white (dark in the manga), traditionally shaped skull on the lower forearm.
Clothing-wise, Kaido dons a bluish-purple, feathered overcoat draped on his shoulders, without sleeves, and below a lavender, tight-fitting, open shirt that has long sleeves. He has a black bracelet with golden (dark in the manga) spikes above each of his wrists. Upholding said shirt is a thick, off-white belt of laid rope festooned with a pair of white, hanging shide in the front. More outwardly from below the rope hang two additional pieces of fabric: rectangular, hemmed flaps that each have, from two hemmed holes at their bottom, a short, thick, golden torus chain attached to themselves. These flaps may be the bottom of his shirt. Further, Kaido has two yellow straw cords below the shimenawa, serving as waistbands to secure a short, hanging row of thin, reddish ribbons. Finally, the rest of his lower wear consists of simple, baggy pants of gray-green color, tucked below the knees into simple, blackish boots. 20 years before the current story line, Kaido's Fu Manchu was only chest-length, he lacked his current beard, and until his battle with Oden, he did not have any scars on his body. During Oden's execution, he wore the pairing of a black, sleeveless leather jacket and black, tight leather pants. As one of the Yonko, Kaido is one of the four strongest pirates alive, renowned as the "Strongest Creature in the World". Notably, he has a bounty of Beli4,611,100,000, which is the highest of any pirate currently alive, surpassed only by the bounties of the late Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger.
Kaido attempted to take Whitebeard's life, something very few would dare, and subsequently had an encounter with Shanks. When Gecko Moria was in his prime, Kaido fought him and emerged victorious, having killed his entire crew. The Five Elders mentioned Kaido as one of the few people able to stop Blackbeard. His strength was also recognized by his fellow Yonko Big Mom, who could not fathom the idea of Monkey D. Luffy defeating him. Additionally, Trafalgar Law stated that Kaido can easily kill Donquixote Doflamingo, a world-famous and extremely powerful pirate in his own right. Law speculated that even with an alliance with the Straw Hats, their chance of defeating Kaido is only about 30%, although the statement is questionable, seeing as at that time Law was not serious about fighting him. He, in fact, defeated another member of the Worst Generation, Eustass Kid, whose bounty is Beli470,000,000, with apparent ease, and refused to take Law and Luffy's alliance seriously regardless of what they accomplished, due to viewing the defeat of a Shichibukai as being nothing special. Kaido then later went on to defeat Luffy in his Gear Fourth: Boundman form effortlessly, a notable feat as Boundman could let him fight three powerful pirates who are all Busoshoku Haki users. In this instance, Kaido was not only unharmed by Boundman, but also able to knock out Luffy in a single strike, all without even utilizing his haki. He is also able to clash equally with his fellow Yonko Big Mom, as shown by the force of their clash being strong enough to split the sky in two, which is similar to the clash between Whitebeard and Shanks and to fight her equally for two days without sustaining any injuries. Similar to the other Yonko, Kaido has many underlings and other pirates allied with him and is able to claim self-governing islands as his own territories. With Caesar and Doflamingo as his associates, Kaido has created an army of over 500 Artificial Zoan-type Devil Fruit users: his Gifters. Kaido's will is known to be strong, as shown when he was completely unaffected by Luffy's Haoshoku Haki. Befitting his bulk, Kaido is legendary for his supreme physical power as the strongest beast in the world. He is capable of swinging his kanabo hard enough to send a normal-sized person flying into the distance in one blow, and also broke past the tremendous defensive power of Luffy's Gear Fourth with great ease. He once sunk nine enormous prison ships singlehandedly. According to Yasuie, Kaido singlehandedly crushed the massive armies of samurais under the Kozuki daimyos during their first rebellion against Orochi. Kaido also clashed equally with Big Mom, with the power of that clash causing the sky itself to split in two. Kaido also possesses nigh-indestructible durability, even without using Busoshoku Haki. He took multiple powerful hits from Monkey D. Luffy's Gear Third while in his dragon form and transformed back into his human form after being pummeled into the ground, and proceeded to receive a barrage of Gear Fourth hits that were even more powerful, yet he felt nothing more than annoyance, received no injuries, and was able to quickly get back up and counterattack without issue. This durability has given Kaido the reputation of being unable to die. He has been caught and tortured 18 times, and people as powerful as the Marines and other Yonko have attempted to execute him 40 times, only to fail as Kaido survived every single attempt because every single execution weapon broke when being used on him. Most notably, Kaido has jumped from 10,000 meters from the sky onto the ground, creating a massive shockwave strong enough to sink a large ship nearby, and emerged only with a headache; it has even become a hobby for him to attempt suicide, only for it to fail. The only known time he ever suffered an injury was in a battle against Kozuki Oden, a legendary samurai dual wielding O Wazamono Meitos, Enma and Ame no Habakiri, gaining the only scar on his body. Kaido is extremely fast despite his massive size, as shown when he moves past Luffy in an instant while attacking him.
Kaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well (smaller than his hands), and has a massive pair of gray, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward. He has a longish face with a heavy brow (its ridge hairless) that tops sharp, often bloodshot eyes (parent to small, yellowish irises), plus a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth. Kaido is near-always seen wearing a frown, and has moderate wrinkles: lines upon the brow, crow's and tear-trough lines around the eyes, and laugh lines from always sneering. His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane, forming distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over the ears, or jutting upward. His facial hair is neat, done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his broad chin. Right of his defined abs is his only scar: a massive, recessed X-shape whose upper points reach to his pectoral. It was given to him by Kozuki Oden using his swords. A tattoo of dim-reddish segments resembling reptilian scales, individually bordered in orange, goes from his left pectoral down the front of his left arm, ending in correspondence to the wrist with a white (dark in the manga), traditionally shaped skull on the lower forearm.
Clothing-wise, Kaido dons a bluish-purple, feathered overcoat draped on his shoulders, without sleeves, and below a lavender, tight-fitting, open shirt that has long sleeves. He has a black bracelet with golden (dark in the manga) spikes above each of his wrists. Upholding said shirt is a thick, off-white belt of laid rope festooned with a pair of white, hanging shide in the front. More outwardly from below the rope hang two additional pieces of fabric: rectangular, hemmed flaps that each have, from two hemmed holes at their bottom, a short, thick, golden torus chain attached to themselves. These flaps may be the bottom of his shirt. Further, Kaido has two yellow straw cords below the shimenawa, serving as waistbands to secure a short, hanging row of thin, reddish ribbons. Finally, the rest of his lower wear consists of simple, baggy pants of gray-green color, tucked below the knees into simple, blackish boots. 20 years before the current story line, Kaido's Fu Manchu was only chest-length, he lacked his current beard, and until his battle with Oden, he did not have any scars on his body. During Oden's execution, he wore the pairing of a black, sleeveless leather jacket and black, tight leather pants. As one of the Yonko, Kaido is one of the four strongest pirates alive, renowned as the "Strongest Creature in the World". Notably, he has a bounty of Beli4,611,100,000, which is the highest of any pirate currently alive, surpassed only by the bounties of the late Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger.
Kaido attempted to take Whitebeard's life, something very few would dare, and subsequently had an encounter with Shanks. When Gecko Moria was in his prime, Kaido fought him and emerged victorious, having killed his entire crew. The Five Elders mentioned Kaido as one of the few people able to stop Blackbeard. His strength was also recognized by his fellow Yonko Big Mom, who could not fathom the idea of Monkey D. Luffy defeating him. Additionally, Trafalgar Law stated that Kaido can easily kill Donquixote Doflamingo, a world-famous and extremely powerful pirate in his own right. Law speculated that even with an alliance with the Straw Hats, their chance of defeating Kaido is only about 30%, although the statement is questionable, seeing as at that time Law was not serious about fighting him. He, in fact, defeated another member of the Worst Generation, Eustass Kid, whose bounty is Beli470,000,000, with apparent ease, and refused to take Law and Luffy's alliance seriously regardless of what they accomplished, due to viewing the defeat of a Shichibukai as being nothing special. Kaido then later went on to defeat Luffy in his Gear Fourth: Boundman form effortlessly, a notable feat as Boundman could let him fight three powerful pirates who are all Busoshoku Haki users. In this instance, Kaido was not only unharmed by Boundman, but also able to knock out Luffy in a single strike, all without even utilizing his haki. He is also able to clash equally with his fellow Yonko Big Mom, as shown by the force of their clash being strong enough to split the sky in two, which is similar to the clash between Whitebeard and Shanks and to fight her equally for two days without sustaining any injuries. Similar to the other Yonko, Kaido has many underlings and other pirates allied with him and is able to claim self-governing islands as his own territories. With Caesar and Doflamingo as his associates, Kaido has created an army of over 500 Artificial Zoan-type Devil Fruit users: his Gifters. Kaido's will is known to be strong, as shown when he was completely unaffected by Luffy's Haoshoku Haki. Befitting his bulk, Kaido is legendary for his supreme physical power as the strongest beast in the world. He is capable of swinging his kanabo hard enough to send a normal-sized person flying into the distance in one blow, and also broke past the tremendous defensive power of Luffy's Gear Fourth with great ease. He once sunk nine enormous prison ships singlehandedly. According to Yasuie, Kaido singlehandedly crushed the massive armies of samurais under the Kozuki daimyos during their first rebellion against Orochi. Kaido also clashed equally with Big Mom, with the power of that clash causing the sky itself to split in two. Kaido also possesses nigh-indestructible durability, even without using Busoshoku Haki. He took multiple powerful hits from Monkey D. Luffy's Gear Third while in his dragon form and transformed back into his human form after being pummeled into the ground, and proceeded to receive a barrage of Gear Fourth hits that were even more powerful, yet he felt nothing more than annoyance, received no injuries, and was able to quickly get back up and counterattack without issue. This durability has given Kaido the reputation of being unable to die. He has been caught and tortured 18 times, and people as powerful as the Marines and other Yonko have attempted to execute him 40 times, only to fail as Kaido survived every single attempt because every single execution weapon broke when being used on him. Most notably, Kaido has jumped from 10,000 meters from the sky onto the ground, creating a massive shockwave strong enough to sink a large ship nearby, and emerged only with a headache; it has even become a hobby for him to attempt suicide, only for it to fail. The only known time he ever suffered an injury was in a battle against Kozuki Oden, a legendary samurai dual wielding O Wazamono Meitos, Enma and Ame no Habakiri, gaining the only scar on his body. Kaido is extremely fast despite his massive size, as shown when he moves past Luffy in an instant while attacking him.
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