Trafalgar D. Water Law

Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He became one of the Shichibukai during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates and bringing down Donquixote Doflamingo. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece. During the timeskip, his bounty increased from Beli200,000,000 to Beli440,000,000, before it was frozen. After he was expelled from the Shichibukai, Law's bounty was raised to Beli500,000,000. He is one of the central allies of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Dressrosa and Yonko Sagas. He also acts as an ally of Luffy during the movie One Piece: Stampede. Law is a slim man of a relatively tall height. He has faint shadows right under his yellow eyes (grey in the anime), and his face is usually seen with a smirk. He wears a northern-style fur hat, which is white and has a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill. He has short dark hair, a majority of which is obscured by his hat, save for his sideburns and small goatee. His hair color is depicted as black in both the anime and manga, though sometimes the manga depicts it as blue. He has many tribal-style tattoos on his arms; on both of his hands are letters spelled as D E A T H tattooed in black on each of the back of his fingers. Originally in the manga, his left thumb was not tattooed, with the letter A missing. Later on, all of his fingers were tattooed complete with all five letters. He also has a black cross on the back of both of his hands. On his chest, he has a tribal-style heart tattoo with his Jolly Roger on it. He has simpler heart tattoo on his shoulders and his Jolly Roger tattooed on his back.

In his youth, after Law realized he was dying, he went to Doflamingo to join the future Shichibukai's crew, planning on causing as much devastation as possible to the world before dying. Doflamingo accepted Law, and while part of the Donquixote Pirates, he learnt swordsmanship from Diamante, marksmanship from Gladius and martial arts from Lao G, in Doflamingo's hope to find a cure for Law and raise him into being the third Corazon. Law is shown to have a strong will as he, along with most of his crew, proved resistant to Rayleigh's burst of Haoshoku Haki that took out almost everyone in the Auction House. This feat caused Rayleigh to comment on him being a fearsome pirate. He was also able to withstand the clash of Haoshoku Haki between Luffy and Doflamingo. Even Donquixote Doflamingo commented to his subordinates at Punk Hazard about Law's potential while comparing it to Luffy's, which Doflamingo witnessed himself during the war at Marineford two years ago. Doflamingo saw talent in Law and intended to make him into his right hand man. He reserved the Heart seat for Law, showing that the latter is considered on the same level as the elite officers of the Donquixote Family. Vergo was only able to keep ahead of Law because he had the latter's heart at the time, a situation that immediately reversed after Smoker (reluctantly) helped Law to retrieve the organ. He is also apparently quite fearless, as he allowed several Marines to get within close-range of him on Sabaody Archipelago, despite being a long-range fighter.

During their stay at Sabaody Archipelago, the Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates were caught in a battle with a Pacifista. The end of the battle was unseen, but since they reappear during the Marineford Arc, it can be assumed that they either defeated the Pacifista or managed to elude it. Kizaru mentioned that the Heart Pirates did a good job at running away. Sometime during the timeskip, Law has become so powerful and infamous that even the ruthless Marines of G-5 were deeply afraid of him. He had gained a bounty that surpassed Luffy's at the time, and brought a hundred pirates' hearts to the World Government, earning him a position in the Shichibukai. Law was able to battle and eventually defeat Smoker, a Marine vice admiral and a Logia user without getting himself seriously injured. He also defeated Vergo in one move while before, in the past, he was unable to even harm him. He is now strong enough to counter attacks from an Admiral and a fellow Shichibukai at the same time, like in his confrontation with Issho and Doflamingo. In addition to his Devil Fruit, Law underwent an extremely rigorous combat training regimen under the Donquixote Pirates as a child, attaining incredible superhuman physical prowess. While still a twelve year old boy, he was already strong enough to throw Rosinante, a very tall and large man, by grabbing him by the leg. Additionally, he has the physical power to block Doflamingo's extremely powerful Overheat string which shook the Thousand Sunny with just his sword. He easily wielded Kikoku, a sword as tall as himself with great speed, and is able to slice enemies faster than they can react as well as keep up with Doflamingo.

He has also displayed exceptionally great endurance, as he had his heart directly crushed to the point where he lost consciousness, only to recover shortly afterwards. In addition, he was also capable of enduring a prolonged brutal beating from Vergo which resulted in him becoming severely bloody before defeating him in a single blow once Smoker had retrieved his heart. Even as a child dying from from the incurable Amber Lead Syndrome, Law was able to keep up with the very harsh training regimen of the Donquixote Pirates of which even adults could not keep up with. Even when his disease reached a fatal stage, he could survive two ruthless beatings from Vergo. Even when he was defeated and injured by Donquixote Doflamingo and Admiral Fujitora, as well as pinned to the ground by Issho's Devil Fruit power, Law was able to quickly recover and escape. During his second confrontation with Doflamingo, Law was able to fight him and, even though he was still wounded from their first encounter as well as having his right arm severed while being brutally assaulted further, he was able to continue fighting and deal Doflamingo a severe wound with his Gamma Knife move. Also, even though Law was incapacitated by Trebol, he was still able to use his Devil Fruit Power to control his severed arm as well as defeat the officer. Law also has formidable skills in martial arts, having been trained in this aspect by Lao G. In the anime, Law was able to hold his own against Luffy, an extremely powerful fighter in a fist fight, when Breed forced Luffy to fight Law through the Peto Peto no Mi. With Busoshoku Haki, Law could block against Doflamingo's Goshikito with his arms crossed in a defensive stance. Even at age 13, Law could defeat both Penguin and Shachi, who were bullying Bepo, a mink who is a natural born fighter, impressing them to the point they swore loyalty to him. Since childhood, Law was already well versed in medicine, having attended an academy for medical science, while his father, the best doctor of Flevance, personally taught him the more intricate procedures. Even after he joined the Donquixote Pirates, he still retained a profound understanding of medical science, as he was able to use the Ope Ope no Mi to remove all traces of the Amber Lead inside his dying body. This was noteworthy as he was able to find a cure for the poisoning that was said to be incurable and live past the age he was supposed to die at. His medical aptitude was what led Donquixote Rosinante to conclude that Law was most compatible with the fruit, which prompted him to secure the Ope Ope for Law after he received information from both his brother and Sengoku of the fruit's present whereabouts at the time. Law ate the Ope Ope no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can "operate" on anything within the spherical "operating room". Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers, Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls. He can also use it for teleportation purposes. He has also demonstrated being able to apply his ability for medical purposes, as seen when he cured the giant children from their addiction brought by Caesar's drugs. Law appears to have mastered his power to such a great extent, that he can even cut through someone who completely imbued their body in Busoshoku Haki.